Energy is a driving force behind the progress of human civilization. Mainly depend on the current human society of non-r......
The urban forest is the main body for the urban forestry management. There are not unified rules and standards for the p......
Landscape ecology is playing an increasingly important role in resources management and landuse planning in recent decad......
By reviews of the related papers and works about urban green space system planning at home and abroad, the paper defined......
FOREST CERTIFICATION High Conservation Value Forests Theory,Practice and Future Tendency Dong Ke, Deng Huafeng (Forestry......
Eco-linguistics is a young branch of linguistics.It is the study of interrelationships of language and ecology.Socioling......
目的 探索土壤中的化学元素与氟斑牙的关系,为地方性氟中毒的防治提供科学依据.方法 2011年,在巫山县与奉节县的55个乡(镇)中,采取......
Effects of land-use changes on organic carbon in bulk soil and associated physical fractions in Chin
The Horqin Sandy Grassland is one of the most seriously desertified areas in China’s agro-pastoral ecotone due to its f......
Subject Code:D03With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences......
This paper makes an overall introduction of ecological residence (ER), a new type of eco-building and studiesits origin,......
After two years’construction, the quality of Phase 1 (120hm2) of Shanghai Riverside ForestPark has passed the examinati......
If one enterprise just takes technological innovation as the way for economic profit but not the combinationalprofit of ......
教育生态学(educational ecology)是依据生态学的原理,特别是生态系统、生态平衡和协同进化等原理与机制,研究各种教育现象及其成因,......
The paper, based on the concept and the elements of human resource ecosystem (HR Ecosystem), studies the function and st......
The paper, based on the concept and the elements of human resource ecosystem (HR Ecosystem), studies the function and st......
This paper discussed the definition and essential factors of green agriculture, including green ecological environment, ......
1.Endeavors for constructing a comprehensive science of human settlements A new science of human settlements is emerging......
This paper examines the need for a return to a systemic,holistic,and normative approach to designing human settlements t......
With intensified contradiction between the rapid development of modern industry and the carrying capacity of natural env......
Traditional wetland study in China mainly focuses on mire resources investigation and utilization. At present, environme......
The construction of ecological environment is one ofthe five significant projects of China’s WesternDevelopment, and ar......
Reviewing evolution of natural resources utilization mode in different economic formations, the paper elaboratesthe mean......
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The new rural construction will involve many fields, such as the upgrade of the industrial structure of agriculture, the......
This paper reviews the research on land use change and its corresponding ecological responses. Patterns of land use chan......
The determination of site productivity in forest ecosystems plays a crucial role in resource management.This study was c......
【Abstract】To study the nature of the impact of the mobile terminal to the college English teaching, and to make an empi......
[摘 要] 随着国际贸易的增多,我国与国际接轨的机会越来越多,因而对高端英语翻译人才的需求也与日俱增。然而,就目前的调查现状来看,英......
【Abstract】Public sign works as an important communication bridge between China and the world. Yet, the translation of p......
The harmonious relationship between man and nature is considered as severe challenge in the 21st century.“Green Fashion......
Ecology, growth and management of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), a non-native species integ
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.),a species native to the east North America,was introduced to Europe probably in 1......
Sandfly fauna and ecological analysis of Phlebotomus orientalis and Phlebotomus martini in the lowla
Objective:To identify the sandfly fauna and analyze ecology of sandfly vector(s) of visceral leishmaniasis in three dist......
Three life-history stages including reproductive allocation (RA),gametogenesis andrecruitment influence the population st......
With the rapid development of information technologies,human beings are increasingly addicted into the virtual world in ......
Background: Forest managers must deal with inherently stochastic ecological and economic processes. The future growth of......
Amphibians and Reptiles of Luzon Island, Philippines: the Herpetofauna of Pantabangan-Carranglan Wat