Analysis of Cross—cultural Mechanism of Euro—American Enterprises in China Based on Cross—cultural M

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  【Abstract】With the advent of economic globalization, contact of the world economy is close increasingly. Multinational management promotes economic growth and prosperity. But differences on politics and culture have influence on development. In recent years, cross-cultural management has become important issue and impacts the construction and development of enterprises. This study analyzed cross-cultural management mechanism of Euro-American enterprises in China based on four-force model, which could provide reference for the development of multinational enterprises.
  【Key words】cross-cultural management; four-force model; Euro-American enterprises in China; mechanism
  In recent years, Euro-American investment enterprises and joint ventures gradually prevailed in China. They enhance economic exchanges and cooperation and achieve the win-win. However, culture differences have inevitable influence to their development. They should establish the cross-cultural management system for the long-run development.
  1. Culture differences between Chinese and western
  Chinese traditional culture has a long history, and exist differences with the western. Firstly, on the interests pursuit, the former pay attention to indifferent to fame and wealth, while the latter is economic benefits. Secondly, on relationship, the former is particular about moderation in all things and content with status, while the latter advocates competition and adventure spirit. Thirdly, on expression, the former is generally reserved and tactful, while the latter is straightforward. Fourthly, on status, the former has the hierarchy and ethical system for a long time, while the latter is more emphasis on equality, freedom and human rights.
  2. Necessity of cross-cultural management
  Due to the obvious cultural differences between Chinese and Western, it inevitably causes some conflicts, leading to difficultly achieve the management result.
  2.1 Difficult fusion between Chinese and western values
  Differences on culture and education make internal values differences, which directly affect the unified management and goals.
  2.2 Inflexible culture management system
  Some multinational enterprises have begun to pay attention to culture construction, but still exist deficiencies due to lacking practical experience. Some directly copy the original system and have no research on local culture, which lead to implement system difficultly, and affect the internal harmony and stability.   2.3 Lack of culture communication
  Communication of many enterprises is only limited to work and mostly official, lacking something deep about values and feeling. It likes procedure cope, having to communicate, rather than active invitation.
  3. Suggests on cross-cultural management
  3.1 Establish diversified culture
  The enterprises should pay more attention to culture communication to keep pace with the times. They should analyze the directors, objective environment and Chinese culture to shape enterprise spirit and ensure operability and feasibility of goals. They must abide by local etiquette and ethics, take it as the subject and into the western culture, and strive to the culture fusion.
  3.2 Strengthen execution
  Although enterprises take Chinese culture as the main, many Chinese enterprises lack scientific and rigid management and execution system, so they should adopt more scientific management to guarantee the practice, such as introducing more monitoring system and establishing certain department, strict and scientific assessment on produce, sales, finance, rewards and punishments.
  3.3 Focus on culture fusion
  Culture and staff behavior interact with each other. Therefore, they should fully respect personal opinion, create harmonious atmosphere, and encourage solidarity and collaboration. Strengthen the diverse and inclusive culture to reduce conflicts. Encourage employees from different culture to participate, constantly updated concept and eliminate barriers through the culture exchange and collision.
  Conclusion: If the Euro-American enterprises want to have better survival and development in China, they need further establish a diversified, harmonious and adaptive local culture to fully adapt to local environment and implement long-term interests.
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【摘要】小学阶段是学生成长的重要阶段,在小学阶段的英语教学开展过程中,要对于传统的以模仿为主的教学模式进行转变,并且将培养学生的综合英语理解与运用能力为教学工作的重点。英语故事教学的开展,实现了创造性的学习方式,是提高小学英语教学效果的重要举措之一。  【关键词】英语教学 故事教学 实践与思考  随着时代的发展和英语教学要求的不断提高,以往传统的模仿式的教学模式已经难以满足学生成长的需求,创造性的
【摘要】布置英语课外作业是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,是获得教学反馈信息的重要手段。针对目前小学英语家庭作业设计缺乏实践性,应用性,创新性和趣味性,内容封闭僵化,远离学生的实际生活。教师应注意英语与其他课程的整合,创造性地设计一些有趣的,具有实践意义的课外作业,使课堂教学得到深化和补充,为学生提供较大的实践空间。  【关键词】多学科课程整合 小学英语 家庭作业 布置  随着教学改革的进一步实施,学
一、引言  原文选自浙江省政府网2016浙江省政府工作报告的第三部分,该网站只提供了2015年浙江省政府工作报告的英文版,而且在翻译的过程中也出现了错译漏译的现象。之所以要选择这个材料,是因为该网站暂时没有提供2016年浙江省政府工作报告的英文版,作为MTI专业的学生可以自己参考中央政府工作报告(平行文本)翻译地方政府的工作报告。本文研究了2016浙江省政府工作报告中无主句的翻译策略和方法。  二
【摘要】就目前来看,大学英语教学采取的教学模式仍然较为被动,以至于无法较好的完成学生自主学习能力的培养。基于这种情况,本文通过结合ESA杂拼型模式与《全新主题大学英语》对大学英语教学的优化设计问题展开了探讨,以期寻求新的教学方法提高大学英语教学水平。  【关键词】ESA杂拼型模式 大学英语教学 优化设计  引言  随着高校教育改革的不断推进,大学英语教学越发注重学生自主学习能力的培养。而采取ESA
【摘要】计算机的发展普及与翻译产业化浪潮推动了计算机辅助翻译软件的诞生与运用,本文以SDL Trados为例,主要探析了计算机辅助翻译软件在大型项目协同翻译中的效应。  【关键词】计算机辅助翻译软件 协同翻译 效应 SDL Trados  经济全球化的深入发展,计算机技术的普及与运用,为世界各国的翻译产业带来了新的挑战与机遇,传统的人工翻译方式已经无法满足翻译产业的市场需求,在此背景下,计算机辅助
【摘要】因为是诗歌,故具艺术性;因为是翻译,故具科学性。在诗歌翻译的实践中只有对艺术性和科学性有一个恰如其分的把握才能创造出比较完美的译诗。本文简要介绍英诗汉译的三个发展阶段,并对《A Red Red Rose》在不同阶段的翻译版本及其特点的分析,论述了诗歌翻译在中国的发展。  【关键词】诗歌 诗歌翻译 发展 分行 字数  一、诗歌翻译的前奏近代诗歌翻译  中国是诗的国度,中国古典诗歌代表着中国的
【摘要】修辞幻象是由语言制造出的一种幻觉,通过语言的修辞化改装使演讲更具感染力和启发性,从而产生积极的受众反应。本文以修辞幻象为理论基础,以I Have a Dream为文本分析演讲中修辞幻象的使用以及对演讲效果的强化作用,为演讲学习者掌握演讲中修辞幻象的使用以加强演讲的诉诸效果提供参考和帮助。  【关键词】修辞幻象 演讲 《我有一个梦想》  一、引言  修辞幻象为接受者营造“理想存在”,成为一种
【摘要】提高英语学习的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的热情,让英语学习变的更加轻松、有效  【关键词】兴趣 英语学习  在英语教学中,提高学生的学习有效性不但被老师所关注,学生也很追求提高自己学习的效率。提高学习成绩是每一个老师也是学生,学生家长的希望。我们都知道,提高学习有效性就必须掌握方法:  一、激发学生学习的兴趣  众所周知,兴趣是最好的老师。她在教学和学习的过程中起着定向和动机作用,能够激发学生
【摘要】随着素质教育的展开,英语课堂教学越来越强调交际。在交际性的课堂教学中,任务型教学法的应用越来越广。它以人为本的理念和 “做中学,用中学”的指导思想使学生能更好地发挥主观能动性,提高课堂的自觉参与,使英语语言的交际功能最大化。同时,它对教师提出了更高的要求,能有力地推动教师成长。本文基于这一理念,结合教学实例,对任务型教学法在课堂中的应用进行了探索。  【关键词】任务型教学法 教学设计 课堂
【摘要】在小学英语教学活动中,让每个学生拥有自己的英文名并在教学中加以运用,对提高学生学习英语的积极性和激发学生学习的兴趣有着积极的作用。  【关键词】课堂 教学 英文名  人名主要用于称呼和辨认,人们在取名字时往往寄托了自己的希望和祝福;中文名是如此,英文名更是如此。每个人都有名字,作为英语教师,一次灵感的突现让我发现了英文名字在课堂教学中的特殊意义。从此我开始在教学中使用英文名。  一、英文名