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  Ⅰ. 词语过关(单词拼写)
  1. You can’t enter my room without my p______.
  2. The expression on her face______(证实) their worst fears.
  3. The school has only been open for six months, so it’s hard to e______ if it is successful.
  4. Is that station clock______(准吗)?
  5. If you are c______ about your baby’shealth, you’d consult a doctorimmediately.
  6. He is______(熟悉) with my family.
  7. She r______ her mother in the way shemoves her hands when she talks.
  8. This company is one of the largest e______ of its kind.
  9. She had led a life of luxury andp______.
  10. The books in the library are______ (分类) according to subject.
  11. We are told that the headmaster is______ (卷入) in the crime.
  12. The task was difficult for______(各种各样的) reasons.
  13. Have you made an______(约会) with the doctor?
  14. Last week he was______(提升) to director for his hard working.
  15. The m______ is mainly made up of petrol, vinegar and castor oil.
  16. In recent years the living c______ of the Chinese people have greatly improved.
  17. A lot of houses were d______ in the severe flood.
  18. The doctor______(接生) her baby.
  19. She likes sitting in her______(通常)seat.
  20. We are______(呼吁) for equal rights.
  Ⅱ. 短语巩固(用恰当的词填空)
  1.______the first place 首先;第一;原先
  2. burst______sth. 突然而猛烈地发出或产生出某事物
  3.______on 专心致志于
  4.______from ... 除去……;除……外
  5. keep______of 记录
  6. stand______突出;站出来
  7.______out of 耗尽;用光
  8. make______造成;攻击;走向
  9.______to 为……做出贡献
  10. turn______to be 结果是;被证明是
  11.______walkabout 到灌木丛中闲逛
  12. break______突然发生
  13. round______使集合在一起
  14. stand______代表
  15. take______拿走;带走
  16. break______突破
  17. adapt______适应
  18. give birth______产生;导致
  19.______... a center把……作为中心
  20. develop ...______把……发展成……
  21.______sth. into consideration 考虑某事
  22. in______(of) 负责
  23. appeal______有吸引力;呼吁;上诉
  24. get______传播或为人理解
  25. make______有意义;讲得通
  26. be______to do sth. 正要做某事
  27.______behind 忘带;留下
  28. come to______end (结束;终止)
  29. go______(为……去;努力获取)
  30. be accustomed______(习惯于)
  Ⅲ. 疑难辨异(易混词辨析)
  1. be fit for, fit, suit, match, go with, agree with
  be fit for一般表示“某人适合某一职务”。
  be fit to do适于做……。
  fit v.表示“衣服大小适合某人”。
  suit v.“适合”,指衣服时,一般表示颜色、样式适合某人。
  match v.相称,相配;go with相配套;agree with适宜。
  (1) The climate here______me well.
  (2) His theory______the facts.
  (3) Do these red shoes______the dress?
  (4) We must find carpets that will______ the curtains.
  (5) He______the important position, I think.
  (6) The water in this well is not______to drink.
  2. apart from, besides, except, except for, as well as
  apart from = besides, as well as“除了……以外”,均表示其后的内容是肯定的。
  besides“除了……以外还” = as well as“另外”,besides后还可跟动词的-ing形式,还可以用作副词,表示“另外,再说”的意思。
  except“除了……以外” = not including,表示排除,except for(只是,除了),往往引出补充说明,先说好,再由except for说不够好的,表示白璧微瑕的意思。 except之后还可接that引出的名词性从句和when,where等引出的副词性从句。
  as well as “以及”,“除……之外还……”,表示肯定的意思,其后的没有其前的重要。
  (1)______the cost, the hat doesn’t suit me.
  (2) The work is good______a few slight faults.
  (3) There are three others present at the meeting______Mr. Day.
  (4) He did a part-time job______working in the office in the day time.
  (5) All of us passed______John. (John didn’t pass.)
  (6) This car belongs to him, and he has two others______ .
  (7) I go to school on foot every day______it rains.
  3. arise, rise, raise
  arise (~, arose, arisen)(1) vi.发生;出现;呈现;(2)短语arise out of / from因某事物而产生、造成、引起A new problem has arisen.出现了新的问题。
  These are the problems arising out of the lack of communication.这是因为缺乏交流而出现的问题。
  rise (~, rose, risen) vi.主要义项有: 上升;起立;起床;升起;起义等。使用时关键是注意其不及物动词的性质,其后不能跟宾语,不能用于被动语态。使用时不要受汉语意思的影响。
  raise (~, raised, raised) vt.主要义项有: 提升;提高;举起;增加;筹措;养育;饲养等。
  (1) Use this money when the need______ .
  (2) Are there any matters______the minutes of the last meeting?
  (3) He______his voice in order to be heard.
  (4) Her voice______in anger.
  (5) He______to welcome me.
  (6) The wind______ . —I think there is a storm coming.
  (7) The book______many important points for our consideration.
  (8) I______by my aunt on the farm.
  (9) He______a lot of money with the help of the painter.
  4. agree to, agree with, agree on, agree that
  agree to do同意干某事;
  agree that接从句;
  agree to同意某事,如:计划、建议、安排、办法等。
  agree with接sb.或what-clause;(食物、天气等)适合某人;一致;协调。
  agree on在某事上达成一致意见。
  (1) He agreed______send me some books on computer.
  (2) We have agreed______the date of the visit.
  (3) The wet climate doesn’t agree______the northerners.
  (4) Finally he agreed______he would accept the invitation.
  (5) All those who agree______the plan,raise your hands.
  (6) I agree______him on the matter.
  5. (for) a while, in a while, after a while, once in a while, all the while
  for a while一会儿,可用于各种时态和动词。
  in a while不久,过一会,与动词的过去时或将来时连用。
  after a while一会儿后,与动词的过去时连用。
  once in a while = now and then; from time to time偶尔,间或
  all the (this) while一直;始终
  (1) Hurry up, I’ve waited for you here______.
  (2) Don’t be anxious, he’ll be back .
  (3)______the train stopped at the station.
  (4) They go out together______but not very often.
  (5) He hung his head______when listening to the speech.
  (6) I hope you will stay here______ .
  6. foolish, stupid, silly
  (1) It’s______of you to throw away such a good chance.
  (2) He is______at maths.
  (3) You______child! How can you do such a thing?
  7. one by one, one after another, one at a time
  one by one意思是“一个一个地”,强调顺序;one after another意思是“一个接一个”,强调数量之多;one at a time意思是“一次一个”,强调单位数量。
  (1) He took out the books______and wiped them with a cloth.
  (2) You mustn’t take them all at a time;
  you can only take______ .
  (3) Victories came______ ; we were on top of the world.
  (4) They hope to destroy us______ ; they are sure to fail.
  Ⅳ. 句型回顾(用法点拔及精练)
  1. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.尽管这一记录感人,但与阿姆斯特朗跟疾病搏斗的故事相比则相形见绌。
  as可表示让步关系,与though, although意义相同,但as表达此意时,句中的表语、宾语、状语或动词必须提到as前。
  注意: ① 此用法中as可以换成though,但不用although;如果表语是不带冠词,表示某一特征的名词时,可用that代替;而且在口语中用that更常见。
  ② 单数名词位于句首时不带冠词。
  ③ 在这一句型中通常把表语和状语置于as之前,如果行为动词谓语前有情态动词或will, would之类助动词谓语也置于as之前,如:Search as they would, they could find nobody in the house.。
  (1) 尽管自己很穷,他还是经常帮助那些有困难的人。
  (2) 他虽说是个孩子,但知道什么是该做的事。
  (3) 尽管我很喜欢它,但我不想买。
  (4)______ , the football game has been decided not to be put off.
  A. Heavily as did it rain
  B. As it rained heavily
  C. Heavily as it rained
  D. As heavily as it rained possible
  2. Then my mind becomes clear and I concentrate on the way my body moves in the air.然后我的头脑清晰起来,把注意力集中于我的身体在空中的运动方式。
  my body moves in the air是定语从句,其前省略了引导词that或in which,它们在从句中做状语。
  注意: 若引导词在定语从句中做主语或宾语,则需用which或that,做主语时不能省略。
  (1) What surprised me most was not what he said but______he said it.
  A. the way B. in the way that
  C. in the way D. the way which
  (2) What really made us angry was not his words but______he spoke to us.
  A. the way B. in the way
  C. by the way D. the way which
  3. Born into a life of privilege, Joseph Banks was the son of a wealthy family.约瑟夫·班克斯是一个富裕家庭的儿子,生来就过着优异的生活。
  句中Born into ... 是过去分词短语做状语,be born后接形容词、名词做主语补足语。
  (1)______with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.
  A. To face B. Having faced
  C. Faced D. Facing
  (2)______one of the leading poets in America today, Sonia Suchez has also written a number of books and plays.
  A. Considering B. Considered
  C. To consider D. Having considered
  4. It is cartain that ...
  It is certain that two and two makes four.二加二等于四是确定无疑的。
  be sure / certain that ... of / about sth. 确信的;有把握的
  I’m sure / certain that he saw me.我确信他看见我了。
  be sure / certain to 必定……
  (1) It is sure that Kate will buy it for me.
  (2) I am sure that Tom will give me an apple.
  (3) My teacher was sure to help us when I was in trouble.
  (4) Do you sure of your success?
  5. It was not until the 1990s that the Australian government came to realise the importance of passing laws to ...
  当强调句型要强调含有not ... until引导的时间状语从句的句式时,要使用“It is / was not until ... that + 原句剩余部分”的形式。
  It was______back home after the experiment. (2004 湖北)
  A. not until midninght did he go
  B. until midnight that he didn’t go
  C. not until midninght that he went
  D. until midnight when he didn’t go
  6. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.
  not all = all ... not属于部分否定,意思是“并非都……”
  Not all the answers are right. / All the answers are not right.并非所有答案都是正确的。
  ① Both are not right. 不是两个都对。
  ② Neither is right.两个都不对。
  ① None is / are right.一个也不对。
  ② Every one is not right. 并非每个都对。
  (1) 并非所有人都喜欢这本书。
  (2) 他们两个没有都来。
  (3) 他们两个都没有来。
  (4) 所有人都不喜欢这本书。
  Ⅴ. 单元语法通关
  1. Unit 1: 主语
  (1) The football team______having a bath now.
  A. isB. are C. wasD. will
  (2) The beautiful______not always the same as the good.
  A. is B. are C. were D. has
  (3) How close parents are to their children______ a strong influence on the character of the children.
  A. have______ B. has
  C. having______D. to have
  (4) The police______the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.
  A. is searching for
  B. are searching for
  C. were searching for
  D. were searching
  2. Unit 2: 谓语
  (1) —Town Hall is the tallest buiding in the city.
   —______ from here?
  A. Can it see
  B. Can it be seen
  C. Can be seen it D. Can see
  (2) —The ceremony has already started.
   —Look! The flag is______now.
  A. being raised B. risen
  C. being rose D. raising
  (3) The things talked about in this report______ over a year ago.
  A. had taken place
  B. took place
  C. have taken place
  D. were taken place
  (4) He’ll be an astronaut by the time he______ thirty.
  A. is
  B. had been
  C. will be
  D. is going to be
  (5) —When______again?
   —When he______ , I’ll let you know.
  A. he comes; comes
  B. will he come; will come
  C. he comes; will come
  D. will he come; comes
  (6) My brother______while he______ his bicycle and hurt himself.
  A. fell; was riding
  B. fell; were riding
  C. had fallen; rode
  D. had fallen; was riding
  3. Unit 3: 表语从句
  (1) Go and get your coat. It’s______you left it.
  A. there______ B. where
  C. there where D. where there
  (2) Perseverance is a kind of quality—and that’s______it takes to do anything well.
  A. whatB. that C. whichD. why
  4. Unit 4: 宾语
  (1) If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a______ .
  A. message
  B. letter
  C. sentence
  D. notice
  (2) Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found______ .
  A. it B. that C. one D. the one
  5. Unit 5 : 宾语补足语
  (1) It’s dangerous for you______the horse running too fast.
  (2) He______it an honor to be invited to the party.
  (3) The death of the president______the country sad.
  (4) His English is so poor that he can’t______ himself understood.
  (5) At the time of the earthquake, you______ the ground shaking or moving.
  (6) You’d better______all the windows open.
  (7) If the government______the factory
  polluting the river, there would be no fish here.
  (8) He returned home______his father lying sick in bed.
  (9) They______him the right man for the job.
  (10) The weather______us indoors that day.
  6. Unit 6: 定语
  (1) He dropped the______and broke it.
  A. cup of coffee B. cup for coffee
  C. coffee’s cup D. coffee cup
  (2) The______is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.
  A. bicycle’s shop B. bicycle shop
  C. bicycles shop D. bicycles’ shop
  (3) —How was your recent visit to______Qingdao?
  —It was great. We visited some friends and spent the days at the seaside.
  A. few last sunny B. last few sunny
  C. last sunny few D. few sunny last
  (4) If I had______ , I’d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.
  A. a long enough holiday
  B. an enough long holiday
  C. a holiday enough long
  D. a long holiday enough
  (5)______to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.
  A. Brave enough students
  B. Enough brave students
  C. Students brave enough
  D. Students enough brave
  (6) I’d like you to give me______to read.
  A. different nothing
  B. something different
  C. different anything
  D. anything different
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一 重点单词  1. charge  【考纲释义】 vt. 控告,指控,指责;收费,索价;使充电;冲锋  n. 控告;收费,价钱;充电;冲锋;主管;负责  【备考实例】  The soldier was______with running away when the enemy attacked.  A. scolded  B. charged  C. accused  D. punished  
Our Tails  The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. Then he started again, and said: “Let me ask the evolutionist a question—if we had tails like a baboon, where are they?”  “
一 重点句型解析  1. all与not连用构成部分否定  【教材例句】  Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.  【高考链接】  We haven’t enough books for_______; some of you will have to share. (2005豫晋
Ⅰ. 根据下列句子及所给单词首字母,写出空缺处各单词的完全形式(10分)  1. He has won many a_______in painting competitions for children.  2. I had no c_______but to accept his demand.  3. We o_______all our achievements to the wise l
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