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党的群众路线教育实践活动在基层企业开展尤要注重不走过场。企业的领导干部面对活动的开展,开始时会产生一些活思想,有些同志认为:脱离群众的现象党政机关的领导比较严重,我们身处基层,离职工很近,接触群众很多,不存在脱离群众问题,“高处不胜寒,我们乍还暖。”也有同志认为:企业是经济组织,评价好坏主要是看经济效益,企业领导既是党的工作者,又是职业经理人,既要接受职工群众的检验,也要接受市场的考验;职工和市场有时会不在一 The party’s mass line education practice activities should be carried out at grass-roots level, focusing on not going through the ceremony. In the face of activities, the leading cadres of enterprises have some live ideas at the outset. Some comrades hold the view that the phenomenon of being divorced from the masses poses a rather serious leadership over party and government organs. We are at the grassroots level and are very close to our workforce. There are also comrades that: Enterprises are economic organizations, the evaluation of good or bad depends mainly on economic benefits, and corporate leaders are both party workers and professional managers, It is necessary to accept the test of the masses of workers, but also to accept the test of the market; employees and the market sometimes will not be
对川井忠彦刚体有限元方法进行适当的改造,可以方便地求得侧向受荷桩的张氏法和m法的结果,并将该方法应用到支挡结构位移动态预测中 By properly modifying Kawai Tadatoshi’s
从柔性墩支座受力的特点出发,论述支座的弹性嵌固作用对梁式桥柔性墩受力的影响,并导出有关计算公式。 From the characteristics of the force of the flexible abutment, th
系统地分析了河南省水泥混凝土路面产生破损的主要原因。在此基础上,提出了水泥混凝土路面进行换板及主要病害的工程处治措施。 The main reason for the damage of cement c
OBJECTIVES: This study hypothesized that microvolt T-wave alternans(MTWA) improves selection of patients for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator(ICD) prophyl
许多年来Wirth Howden集团一直效力于隧道掘进机(TBM)的设计与开发,Wirth公司在硬岩应用方面独树一帜,而Howden公司则在软弱地层中经验丰富。4月20日在伦敦举行的土木工程会