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广州市建筑总公司深圳分公司是广州市建筑总公司的全资分支机构,国家建筑施工一级资质单位.分公司以经营工业与民用建筑、基础、水电、市政、装饰工程为主,兼营建筑机械维修、建筑材料供应等业务.分公司成立以来,坚持“守约、高速、优质”的服务宗旨,竭诚为客户服务,共承建了60多个工程项目:如宝安图书馆、新安影剧院、翠湖山庄别墅群、盐田港集装箱码头堆场和通讯指挥大楼(11层)、深圳火车站信号楼、深业大厦(18层)、东华大厦(24层)、福泉大厦(2幢20层)、恒基商住楼(2幢19层)、高科利花园大厦(2幢33层)、海晖花园3号楼(32层)、南油月亮湾大面积填海造地及深软土地基固结处理等.分公司为特区建设作出应有贡献,主要归功于重视抓好以下几项工作:一是要求每位员工树立“接好每一项工程,做好每一项工程,做到每个建设单位满意”的精神,急建设单位所急,想建设单位所想,做好建设单位要求做的工作.二是重视队伍素质的提高,严格科学管理.分公司拥有各类专业技术管理人员近300人,其中有高、中级职称的35人.分公司实行层级管理制度, Shenzhen City Construction Corporation Shenzhen Branch is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Guangzhou Construction Corporation, a state-level building qualification unit. The branch is mainly engaged in the management of industrial and civil construction, infrastructure, hydropower, municipal, and decoration projects. Construction machinery maintenance, construction materials supply and other services. Since the establishment of the branch, adhere to the “contract, high speed, high quality,” the purpose of serving and dedication to customer service, built a total of more than 60 projects: such as Baoan Library, Xin’an Theatre, Cuihu Villa Complex, Yantian Port Container Terminal Yard and Communication Command Building (11th Floor), Shenzhen Railway Station Signal Building, Shenye Building (18th Floor), Donghua Building (24th Floor), Fuquan Building (2 building 20 floors ), Henderson Commercial and Residential Buildings (2 buildings of 19 floors), Gaokeli Garden Building (2 buildings, 33 storeys), Haihui Garden Building 3 (32 storeys), Nanfang Moon Bay, large-scale land reclamation and deep soft-soil foundations. Processing, etc. Branch companies make due contributions to the construction of the Special Zone, mainly due to the importance attached to the following tasks: First, each employee is required to establish “to complete every project, to do every project, to achieve each The construction unit is satisfied with the spirit of emergency construction In the urgency of the project, he wanted to do what the construction unit wanted and did a good job for the construction unit. The second was to pay attention to the improvement of the team’s quality and strict scientific management. The branch has nearly 300 professional and technical management staff of various types, including senior and intermediate professional titles. 35. The branch company implements a hierarchical management system.
1  那天,班主任领来一个新同学,是个金刚般的大块头。大家一看,都非常惊讶,这分明是一个外国少年。此人一头金发,高鼻梁,眼珠子还发着绿光。  这个外国少年的中文说得还不错。他落落大方地自我介绍:“我是新来的史密斯,你们可以喊我老史,以后请多关照。”他顿一顿,又介绍道:“我来中国之前,已经学习了三年汉语。我非常热爱中国文化,非常喜欢中国的小吃,非常喜欢中国的风景。”  大家都起哄似的鼓起掌来,老史则
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随着电商时代的到来,传统客户开发方式亟需改进,本文围绕实体企业电商客户开发和维护中遇到的实际问题,展开了深入细致的分析,对外贸客户开发提出了一些针对性的措施。  一、外贸客户开发的重要性  步入2016年以来,全球经济增长持续放缓,国际大宗商品价格持续下跌,尽管出现了欧美经济出现复苏向好迹象,人民币持续贬值等积极影响,我国外贸进出口压力仍然较大。  在严峻的市场形势下,没有哪个企业可以在失去客户的
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