Carrying capacity of water environment in public tourism resources based on matter-element model

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:memeshan
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When water environmental carrying capacity of public resource tourist attraction is studied, the two action subjects of tourists and local residents should be discussed, and comprehensive consideration must be given to the influence of these two on water environment. On the basis of water resource carrying capacity and water quality carrying capacity, water environmental carrying capacity index of public resource tourist attraction was constructed, the model for the water environmental carrying capacity of public resource tourist attraction was established on the basis of matter-element model and analytical hierarchy process. By applying this method, water environmental carrying capacity situation of a certain public resource tourist attraction can be gained, moreover, situations about several aspects of water environmental carrying capacity can be evaluated. When water environmental carrying capacity of public resource tourist attraction is studied, the two action subjects of tourists and local residents should be discussed, and comprehensive consideration must be given to the influence of these two on water environment. On the basis of water resource carrying capacity and water quality carrying capacity, of water resource carrying capacity index of public resource tourist attraction was constructed, the model for the water environmental carrying capacity of public resource tourist attraction was established on the basis of matter-element model and analytical hierarchy process. method, water environmental carrying capacity situation of a certain public resource tourist attraction can be gained, moreover, situations about several aspects of water environmental carrying capacity can be evaluated
一、翻译的动态研究与口译训练原则的确立  近年来,翻译理论界将越来越多的注意力从分析和描绘翻译的结果(product)方面转移到研究翻译的动态过程(process)方面。RogerBell(1991)认为,在解释和描绘
初次见面,很难想象到她管理着一家全球的公关公司,并且自入公关职场以来,26年都深耕于此。与此同时,她还是一名业余爱好十分丰富的妈妈。作为4个孩子的母亲,岁月并未在她脸上留下多少明显的痕迹。采访过程中,记者很快就被她的魅力所感染,她身上既有女性特有的优雅,同时又有着职场女性的精明干練,说话不疾不徐,不时展现笑容。她就是科闻一百首席执行官Aedhmar Hynes。《国际公关》记者与之进行对话,深入了