
来源 :教育现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qzhair
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以高职院校人才培养规格及学生学情为出发点,总结了湖北生物科技职业学院涉农专业作物栽培学课程教学改革经验,要培养符合市场需求的农业人才,一方面要设置理实一体化、校内外实训相结合的课程体系,另一方面要打造专兼结合的教学队伍,还要从高效课堂和激发学生学农热情着手。 Based on the personnel training specifications and students’ learning conditions in higher vocational colleges, this paper summarizes the experience of teaching reform in agriculture-related crop cultivation courses in Hubei Biotechnology Vocational College, and cultivates the agricultural talents in line with the market demand. On the one hand, , A combination of internal and external training courses system, on the other hand to create a combination of specialized teaching team, but also from the efficient classroom and stimulate students enthusiasm for learning agricultural proceed.
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