Construction and visualization of high-resolution three-dimensional anatomical structure datasets fo

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The objective of the China Digital Human Project (CDH) is to digitize and visualize the anatomical structures of human body. In the project, a database with information of morphology, physical charac-teristics and physiological function will be constructed. The raw data of CDH which was completed in the Southern Medical University is employed. In Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), the frozen section images are preprocessed, segmented, labeled in accordance with the major organs and tissues of human beings, and reconstructed into three-dimensional (3D) models in parallel on high performance computing clusters (HPC). Some visualization software for 2D atlas and 3D mod-els are developed based on the new dataset with high resolution (0.1mm×0.1mm×0.2mm). In order to share, release and popularize the above work, a website ( is online. The dataset is one of the most important parts in the national information database and the medical infrastructure. The objective of the China Digital Human Project (CDH) is to digitize and visualize the anatomical structures of human body. In the project, a database with information of morphology, physical charac-teristics and physiological function will be constructed. The raw data of CDH which was completed in the Southern Medical University is employed. In Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), the frozen sections are preprocessed, segmented, labeled in accordance with the major organs and tissues of human beings, and reconstructed into three-dimensional (3D) models in parallel on high performance computing clusters (HPC). Some visualization software for 2D atlas and 3D mod-els are based on the new dataset with high resolution (0.1 mm × 0.1 mm × 0.2 mm). In order to share, release and popularize the above work, a website ( is online. The dataset is one of the most important parts in the national information database and the medical infrastructure.
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