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文物建筑保护.从19世纪初萌芽.经过一百多年的发展.终于在20世纪下半叶逐渐成熟并形成体系。成熟的标志是1964年由 ICOMOS 通过了《威尼斯宪章》.它提出的基本理念是:“有重大历史价值的建筑物.饱含着过去年月的信息而遗存至今.是人民千百年传统的活的见证。”这就是说.文物建筑的价值.根本在于它能见证历史。形成体系的标志是:第一,1976年.UNESCO 第19次大会通过了《内罗毕建议》,建议保护“历史的或传统的建筑群”。建筑群包括城镇和街区.其中当然会有就个体上看并非具有“重大历史价值”的“普通的”房屋.但普通的房屋在城镇和街区中形成了反映过去年代中“普通”人生活状态的历史信息系统.系统的价值远远大过于其单个因素的价值的简单总和。因此.建筑群中那些“普通的”房屋也就不普通了.它们的价值在于它们在建筑群信息系统中的地位和作用.不应该再孤立地去评定它们是不是“普通的”建筑了。第二.1987年.ICOMOS 通过了《华盛顿宪章》.提出整体地保护有历史价值的城市。第三,1999年.ICOMOS 又通过了关于保护乡土建筑的《佛罗伦萨宪章》.而且主张乡土建筑的保护要以整个农村聚落为单位。在这个关于文物建筑保护的科学思路逐步完善的过程中.UNESCO Cultural heritage protection. It sprouted from the early 19th century. After more than 100 years of development, it finally matured and formed a system in the second half of the 20th century. The sign of maturity was adopted by IComos in 1964. It laid down the basic idea that: “Buildings with significant historical value are full of information from past years and remain until now. It is the people’s thousands of years of tradition. Live witness.” That is to say. The value of cultural relics. The fundamental is that it can witness history. The symbol of the formation of the system is: First, in 1976, the 19th Congress of UNESCO adopted the “Nairobi proposal” and proposed to protect “historical or traditional buildings”. The complex includes towns and neighborhoods. There will of course be “normal” houses that do not have “significant historical value” on the part of the individual. However, ordinary houses in towns and neighborhoods reflect the past years.“ Ordinary ”the historical information system of people’s life state. The value of the system is far greater than the simple sum of the values ​​of its individual factors. Therefore, those “normal” houses in the complex are not ordinary. Their value lies in their status and role in the information system of the building group. They should not be assessed in isolation. “Ordinary ”Architecture. Secondly, in 1987, ICOMOS passed the “Washington Charter.” It proposes the protection of historic cities as a whole. Third, in 1999, IComos passed the “Florence Charter” on the protection of rural architecture. It also advocated that the protection of rural architecture should be based on the entire rural settlement. In this process of gradual improvement of the scientific thinking on the protection of heritage buildings.UNESCO
一、2008年高考作文题的特点湖南今年高考作文题要求考生体会“天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无”的意境与哲理,联系现实生活,写一篇不少于800字的议论文或记叙文, I. Featur
为了适应六层以下装配式大板住宅建筑施工需要,四川省第三建筑工程公司试制了一台60吨·米塔式起重机(见附图)。60吨·米塔式起重机系动臂下旋全回转轨 In order to meet t