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每每看高手们下棋的时候,发现棋手们都在追求一种棋理,即发挥一步棋的最大效率,因而宁失十子也不失一先,因为他们深知,要想使自己的棋摆脱险境,则必须先牵制对方,在手谈中抢得先手之利,才能把握大局,为最后胜利取得主动。反之,在棋盘上四平八稳的走法,无异于是消极行为,一旦对方挑起纷争,就会惊慌失措,在信心上先输于人。因此,下棋取胜的原则就是:在气势和信心上压倒对手。围棋是一门深奥的学科,它是棋手之间综合能力的较量,即在计谋、心理素质、判断力和对棋的创造性等之间的较量。下围棋是一对一的对抗方式,是棋手个性魅力的表现场所,因而它充满了个人色彩。而踢足球则是十一人对抗十一人的比赛,是集体智慧的体现,尽管在局部上仍不失个人性格魅力的表现,但球道与棋道既相似又有许多本质的不同。踢足球是一种即兴的表演,它有足够的空间,因面在场上的变化总是处于一种流动之中,胜负有必然性也 Every time they watch chess players play chess, they find that chess players are pursuing a kind of chess, that is, playing the maximum efficiency of chess, so losing ten do not lose a precedent, because they know that in order to make their own chess To get out of the dangerous situation, you must first check each other and gain the upper hand in hand to grasp the overall situation and take the initiative for the final victory. On the contrary, the smooth and straightforward approach on the board is tantamount to a negative act. Once the other side provokes a dispute, he will panic and lose his confidence to the people. Therefore, the principle of chess to win is overpowering opponents with confidence and confidence. Go is an esoteric subject. It is a contest between players’ ability to synthesize, that is, between strategy, psychological quality, judgment, and the creativeness of chess. Next Go is a one-on-one way of confrontation, which is the performance place of the chess player’s personal charm, so it is full of personal characteristics. Playing football is a game of eleven against eleven. It is a manifestation of collective wisdom. Although there is still no personal charisma on the part, fairways and chess are similar and have many essential differences. Playing football is an improvisational performance, it has enough space, because the change in the field is always in a kind of flow, the outcome is inevitable
该文介绍了我国居民收入差距的现状,从多方面分析其形成原因,提出相应的改革措施与政策建议。 This article introduces the current situation of residents’ income disp
一 做为1997-1998赛季 CBA三分王,张敬东在球场上一直像CBA大多数球员一样默默无闻。 但他却是每个对手都不能或不敢忽视的,因为一个杀手的沉默并不意味着他的剑已生锈。 张敬东认为自己是北京
日本,1964年奥运会主办国,一只经济怪兽。 在这个世界上人口密度最大的国家里,奥运会已不太可能像1964年那样激起那么强烈的民族情绪,当初日本人把在那届奥运会上取得的成绩作为他们发展