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新年伊始,在天津某预备役团作战指挥室内,该团组织的“反空袭作战网上快速动员演练”正在紧张地进行,只见指挥员通过网络指挥平台准确地下达作战指令;模拟对抗演练场上,各作战分队官兵依靠信息化技术熟练地将各种作战单元综合集成……最后,师首长宣布,演练获得圆满成功。该团刘政委介绍说,这都是团队实施人才素质工程、打造信息化人才队伍方阵所取得的喜人成果。7年前,在这个团组建之初,人员素质参差不齐,大专以上毕业的干部不足四分之一,专业对口率只有28%,全团只有一人会操作计算机。同时作为新组建的预备役团队,大部分官兵对预备役工作不了解、不熟悉,很大程度上制约着部队的建设和发展,影响着部队战斗力的提高。人才短缺的现实情况向团党委及 At the beginning of the new year, in the command and control room of a reserve corps in Tianjin, the “Rapid Network Mobilization Exercise on Anti-air Strike Operations” organized by the regiment was under intense exercise and saw commanders accurately issuing operational instructions through the network command platform. The simulated confrontation practice ground On the other hand, officers and soldiers of various combat units relied on information technology to skillfully integrate various combat units. In the end, the division chief announced that the exercise was a complete success. Political Commissar Liu said the delegation said that this is the implementation of the team quality of personnel projects, to create a matrix of information technology personnel made gratifying achievements. Seven years ago, at the beginning of the formation of this regiment, the quality of personnel was uneven. The number of cadres graduating from post-secondary education was less than one-quarter, the professional counterpart rate was only 28% and only one person from the entire regiment operated a computer. At the same time, as the newly formed reserve team, most officers and soldiers are not familiar with and are not familiar with the reserve work, which largely restricts the building and development of the army and affects the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the army. The reality of shortage of talent to the party committee and
在建立车载组合导航系统联合滤波模型及算法的基础上,定义了联合滤波模型融合信息在各子滤波器中的分配准则; 实现了联合滤波模型信息分配系数的自适应调节; 理论分析和计算机仿
责任篇 “天下兴亡,匹夫有责。” ——(明朝)顾炎武国防的盛衰取决于军事力量的强弱,也取决于民心凝聚力的大小;国防的盛衰取决于经济实力的强弱,也取决于统治阶层重视程度