Wu Kequn's Rocky Road to Success等4则

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  Wu Kequn’s Rocky Road to Success
  Wu Kequn(吴克群) has become popular with a series of albums such as Big Tongue(《大舌头》),A General Order (《将军令》)and Poems for You(《为你写诗》),all of which are composed by himself. His talents in music and lyric have won the admiration of his fans.
  Actually,however,his road to success is not smooth. In the second singing contest organized by MTV,he got only the 8th place. But,unexpectedly,he was invited to receive training by a record company,which released his first album entitled Tomorrow,Alone(《一个人的Tomorrow》) in 2000. Unfortunately,this album received only lukewarm response(反应冷淡). He said,“I dare not look myself in the mirror or take photos at that time. For,you know,at the age of 11,I had the dream of becoming a singer,and at 21 I signed a contract with a record company. But my confidence disappeared because of this failure. ”
  Nevertheless,he was not in despair. In the next four years,he learned to play the guitar,compose songs and write lyrics. He then formed his own band and began public performance. “At the beginning,the number of audience was very small. But later,we often had a large crowd. ” In this way,he gradually regained his confidence. In 2004,with the release of his self-titled album Wu Kequn(《吴克群》),he became the focus of the music industry. He said,“Many people got to know me because of this album,regarding it as my first one. They didn’t know that actually this was my second one which gave me a new life. ” In his opinion,to those people who have chosen singing as their career,the most terrible thing is not economic difficulty,but the loss of dreams. “It doesn’t matter if you do not have money or beautiful clothes. But you must have a dream,which can give dignity to your life. ”
  Yu Haoming Defends his Melancholy in Acting
  Because of its shocking effects,the TV drama Let’s Watch Meteor Shower(《一起来看流星雨》)is described vividly as “let’s watch a thunder storm. ” In the drama,Yu Haoming(俞灏明)plays the role of Duanmu Lei(端木磊). He is dubbed “the son of a bureaucrat” for his luxurious dressing,and his pretending melancholy makes him look like an old woman.
  Yu is criticized for his long hair style. About this,he can do nothing. He once told reporters that when he learned that he had to wear a long hair,he expressed protest to the designer,for he himself did not like such a hair style. But the designer believed that Duanmu Lei is a music lover,whose long hair can make him more look like an artist and can show his melancholy better.
  Yu is also criticized for his pretending melancholy. As to this,he gives an unexpected answer. “I did not pretend to be melancholy. Due to the strong sunshine in Xiamen(厦门),I couldn’t open my eyes completely. Besides,I have developed the habit of frowning. So it is a kind of false impression. ”
  Despite such criticisms,the drama has a good audience rating(收视率),which proves its popularity with the audience. About his own performance in the drama,Yu says,“I feel very satisfied. I have done much better than in Happy Boy(《乐活男孩》). ” Nevertheless,he gives himself only a passing score,saying,“My acting is still not very natural,because I’m not familiar with such a life. ”
  Ou Di Entered the Entertainment
  Industry to Pay Off Father’s Debt
  Ou Di(欧弟)from Taiwan has become popular as a host of Day Day Up(《天天向上》) in Hunan TV. But, not long ago, in an interview with the program entitled “Tell Your Story,”he told with sobs his hard days when he had to pay off his father’s debt.
  At the age of 15,Ou Di began to pay debt for his father who failed in business and left a large amount of usury(高利贷). At 17,he entered the entertainment industry. He said,“In case of performance,I ate the set meals(盒饭) provided by the team. Every time I took two orders,one for the moment,the other to be eaten later at home. I never knew how much money I earned,because the money was directly put into my father’s account. What I could never expect was that one day my father knelt down before me and begged me to save him. ”
  In 2003,with the recommendation of Hu Gua(胡瓜),Ou Di became a host. He said frankly that he really had a sense of frustration whenever the interviewee did not like to talk. He took Wang Fei as an example: “When I said to her,‘I like you very much,Miss Wang,’she just responded with ‘Oh.’I then said,‘I am especially fond of the song entitled Carrousel(《旋转木马》)in this album.’She just answered briefly,‘Really?’When I asked,‘Can you sing a few words now?’She refused,‘It is not convenient. ’”
  The “Happy Girl”is Now Playing with Music
  Jiang Yingrong(江映蓉),champion of the “Happy Girl” television singing competition in 2009,is very emotional when looking back on her music career. At the beginning,she was attracted by music due to lack of father’s love. But now,music has become her profession.
  When she was 12 years old,her parents got divorced. Since then,she has lived with her mother. However,she did not become a rebel because of this. Instead,she would always consult her parents before making an important decision. At the age of 15,she had gone to a senior high school. But after a discussion with her parents,she dropped out and went to learn singing in an art school. This decision was the first turning point in her life. Later,with the help of her father,she was able to receive music training in Music House(音乐房子),the best bar in Chengdu City,where the teachers taught her a lot and had helped with her singing all along. Before the “Happy Girl” competition,her teachers in Beijing Contemporary Music Academy(北京现代音乐学院) organized the so-called “Devil Training Camp”(“魔鬼训练营”) for her and other students. Every day,at seven in the morning,they had to get up and practice singing. It was really very hard.
  In 2007,she went to Taiwan for academic exchange,where she met Luo Dayou(罗大佑)for the first time. After she sang Dance Alone(《一个人跳舞》),Luo encouraged her with a smile,“Little Sister,you have to work harder. ”Luo’s words made her realize her shortcomings. She said,“In the music world,I’m still nobody and is played by music. But some day I will become strong enough to play with music. ”
  (编辑 陈根花)
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