The best places in the world to travel if

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  Cost doesn’t have to stand in the way of your dream trip. If you really want a foreign travel experience on a low budget, there is no shortage of great places out there to choose from. You can have a real nice trip in Central and South America, Africa or Asia. Here are a few of my favorite places in the world that don’t cost a lot.
  You really can’t go wrong anywhere in Southeast Asia. The region has miles of unspoiled beaches, delicious food, great temples, and some of the lowest prices on the planet. Spend $4 on a foot spa and relax in an air-conditioned hotel room with all the facilities for $16 a night. Foodies can enjoy a bowl of rice noodles, fried pork and fresh peppers for $1.You can even have custom-tailored clothing made at a small amount of what you’d spend in a department store at home. With prices like these, the ability to tour the whole country on an open bus ticket for around $50, life is good in Vietnam.
  It’s a country they say that you will love and hate more than anywhere else you’ve ever been. It’s also one of the cheapest places you will ever go. Travel its train network to Rishike-sh’s quiet highlands in the north or Kerala’s special backwaters in the south. Visit the Taj Mahal in Agra or explore your spiritual side in Varanasi. Whatever you do, just don’t try to see it all in one trip! It’s a huge country, but hiring a private driver (for far less than it would cost elsewhere) can help you make it. Have a taste of thali (a plate made up of various dishes of rice, meat, vegetables, and sauces) for around $2. Find your perfect beach hideaway in Goa starting around $5 a night. And feel free to buy a lot of handmade clothes for a little money.
  If you’re looking for big adventures on a small budget, look no further than Morocco. There are plenty of tour operators charging a lot for the sightseeing, but a little research and a sense of adventure can get you the same things at a low price. Don’t take the $300 “Overnight Camel Trek in the Sahara” tour from Marrakesh, but jump on a local bus to the desert where you’ll pay $40 for the same trip. Forget the luxury hotels and stay in a traditional Moroccan house for as little as $20 a night. Get lost in the market, and buy yourself a hand-colored leather purse for pennies on the dollar. When you find yourself needing a break from Morocco, just $24 and a 90-minute ferry will get you to Spain!
  unspoiled adj. 未被破坏的
  facilities n.设施(单数形式为facility)
  custom-tailored adj. 定制的
  adventure n. 冒险
  luxury adj. 奢华的
  leather purse n. 皮包
  ferry n. 轮渡
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