
来源 :山西青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilunyi
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毛泽东是中国工人运动的杰出领袖,也是中国现代工会和中国工会理论的缔造者和奠基人之一,由他推动和领导建立的安源路矿工人俱乐部这一产业联合工会,可谓是中国现代工会发展史上的一个先进楷模,鼎盛时期一度发展到有会员13000余人。 Mao Zedong is an outstanding leader of the Chinese workers ’movement and one of the founders and founders of the theory of modern trade unions in China and the theory of trade unions in China. The Allianz Mining Workers’ Club, an industry union union promoted and led by him, can be called the " In the history of the development of an advanced model, the heyday of the development to a membership of more than 13,000 people.
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总资产佰放褂 i呼({)万多豹动粼翼()黔攀势p3够夕如未O粼份乒丝洲1月石I翔树肠舰笋沁衍邝初如瘾犯,2石3泊冬卿移呷9名认2料阶玲犯︸幻哪颐份苗麟加粼折姗浙︸四醉如乡琴少扮粉小
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①一手抓改革,一手抓发展。通过深化体制、机制改革,真正做到干部能上能下,人员能进能出,收入能高能低。今年计划上7个项目,通过不断发展,进一步增强企业的活力。 1 One-ha
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