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去年岁末,钱钟书先生悄悄走出人间,告别读者.国内外人士莫不为之动情、悼念.笔者作为钱钟书的一位不合格的读者、崇拜者和受益者,得知钱先生过世后,心里很是悲哀,十分难过!在20世纪的中国,发生过许多独特的、令人难忘的事情.钱钟书是一个独特世界,令人难忘!以自己的普通、肤浅和庸俗是很难读懂独特、深刻、独具个性、学贯中西的钱钟书的.然而,十多年前,他为我亲笔改稿,亲笔复函,亲笔题字和亲自接待等往事,却令我永生难忘,永远铭记于心间.那些往事像火一样不时燃烧着我,鞭策激励我思考学问、人生.为了自己和喜欢钱钟书的人们,我把自己亲身经历和感觉的往事记录下来,一则以示我对钱钟书先生悄悄告别人世的哀思;一则以供人们对钱钟书的共享.假如我的这点亲身经历和感受能为读者走近钱先生起点作用,那我就倍感欣慰了. At the end of last year, Mr. Qian Zhongshu quietly walked out of the world, bid farewell to the readers.Not only the passionate people at home and abroad, mourning.The writer as an unqualified readers, admirers and beneficiaries of Qian Zhongshu that Mr. Qian’s death My heart is very sad and very sad! In the 20th century in China, there have been many unique and unforgettable things.Qianzhong Shu is a unique world, unforgettable! With its ordinary, superficial and vulgar is very difficult However, more than a decade ago, he wrote me a manuscript, handwritten memoir, handwritten inscriptions and personal receptions, etc., but I will never forget, Always remember in the heart of those past things like a burning fire from time to time I, encourage me to think about learning, life, for myself and people like Qian Zhong, I put my personal experience and feelings of the past, one to show me Mr. Qian Zhongshu secretly bid farewell to the world of grief; one for people to share on Qian Zhong. If my personal experience and feelings for readers approached Mr. Qian starting point, then I feel relieved.
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