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临汾钢铁公司6号高炉,于2000年12月13日建成并正式点火投产。到12月20日日产生铁826.7t。高炉利用系数达到2.17t/m~3·d。 6号高炉采用一系列国内先进技术,如高炉操作计算机专家优化系统;炉底、炉缸陶 Linfen Iron and Steel Company No. 6 blast furnace, completed on December 13, 2000 and officially put into operation. By December 20 iron 826.7t will be produced. Blast furnace utilization coefficient reached 2.17t / m ~ 3 · d. 6 blast furnace using a series of domestic advanced technologies, such as blast furnace operating computer expert optimization system; bottom, hearth pottery
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The technical renovation project at Yunnan TinCo. Ltd. is running smoothly, according to anindustry report. The project with Ausmelt tech-nology was initiated
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目的 :分析腮腺内面神经鞘瘤的临床、病理特点 ,以免误诊、误治。方法 :对山东省莱阳中心医院 2 0年间收治的 12例腮腺内面神经鞘瘤的临床、病理特点 ,进行回顾性分析。结果
作者曹汉生汪 雷等王 筠李晓南等杨光唐亚新等钱国祥苏少航朱荣海等周莉英等余城德陈广宏张 宏李 博陈震霖等倪健能盛建文等杨双平耿。钻徐海英刘启龙等黄建军吴士白等刘 谦
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