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省金属学会能源与热工专业委员会于11月24日至25日在无锡召开了热脏煤气应用技术交流推广会。热脏煤气是一种由固定床煤气发生炉产生的比较适合中小企业冶金炉窑使用的煤制气燃料。它与直接燃煤比,既能降低炉子燃耗,又能较好地改善环境条件,并且对有效地控制炉温,提高产品加热质量都有明显效果。 在会上,无锡市四方钢管有限公司等使用热脏煤气的受益单位介绍了他们的经验。元锡市东方冶金设备 Provincial Metals Society of Energy and Thermal Engineering Committee held in November 24-25 in Wuxi hot gas application technology exchange promotion. Hot dirty gas is a kind of fixed bed gas generator produced more suitable for small and medium-sized metallurgical furnace coal gas used in fuel. Compared with the direct coal-fired ratio, it can not only reduce the burnup of the furnace, but also improve the environmental conditions well, and have obvious effects on controlling the furnace temperature effectively and improving the heating quality of the product. At the meeting, Wuxi Sifang Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. and other beneficiaries using hot dirty gas introduced their experience. Yuan Tin City, Eastern metallurgical equipment
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(Continued from the last issue)Lead and zincEfforts should be made around the work of re-ducing energy cost and speeding up technicalrenovations so as to devel
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The technical renovation project at Yunnan TinCo. Ltd. is running smoothly, according to anindustry report. The project with Ausmelt tech-nology was initiated
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目的 :分析腮腺内面神经鞘瘤的临床、病理特点 ,以免误诊、误治。方法 :对山东省莱阳中心医院 2 0年间收治的 12例腮腺内面神经鞘瘤的临床、病理特点 ,进行回顾性分析。结果