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目的了解妊娠期糖尿病高危孕妇血糖和血脂水平变化,探讨糖代谢和脂代谢异常对母婴的影响。方法对70例糖尿病高危妊娠妇女及70例正常妊娠妇女血糖、血脂进行测定,并与正常未孕育龄妇女作对照。结果糖尿病高危妊娠妇女空腹血糖,1h血糖、血脂及正常妊娠妇女血脂明显高于正常育龄妇女,有极显著差异(P<0.01),正常妊娠妇女血糖则低于正常育龄妇女,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。糖尿病高危妊娠妇女与正常妊娠妇女比较,空腹血糖及1h血糖显著增高,(P<0.01),血脂明显升高(P<0.05)。结论加强对妊娠期妇女尤其是糖尿病高危孕妇血糖、血脂的监测,对早期发现妊娠期糖尿病,减少和控制母婴并发症的发生具有重要临床价值。 Objective To understand the changes of blood glucose and blood lipid levels in high-risk pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (DM), and to explore the effects of abnormal glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism on the mothers and infants. Methods Blood glucose and blood lipids were measured in 70 high risk pregnant women with diabetes and 70 normal pregnant women and compared with normal pregnant women of childbearing age. Results There was a significant difference (P <0.01) in fasting blood glucose, 1h blood glucose, blood lipids and normal pregnant women among women with high risk of diabetes mellitus. The blood glucose of normal pregnant women was lower than that of normal women of reproductive age, the difference was significant P <0.01). Diabetic patients at high risk of pregnancy compared with normal pregnant women, fasting blood glucose and 1h blood glucose was significantly increased (P <0.01), elevated blood lipids (P <0.05). Conclusion The monitoring of blood glucose and blood lipids in pregnant women, especially those at high risk of diabetes mellitus, plays an important role in early detection of gestational diabetes mellitus and reducing and controlling the incidence of maternal and infant complications.
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