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对汉语重读音节知觉的音高线索及句中重读音节的音高变化模式进行了研究。论文分3部分:重音知觉实验、问答匹配实验和语料库分析。重音知觉实验主要考察了重音知觉的音高线索,主要是高音点、低音点对重音知觉的贡献。重读音节音高变化模式的研究,一方面从发音人的角度,用问答匹配实验,选取/DAO4/为代表音节,设计少量实验句请多位发音人郎读,系统安排/DAO4/在句中的位置,用问句自然地引导/DAO4/重读或非重读,对这两种情况做比较;另一方面从听者的角度,用语料库分析,对一个大规模语料库通过感知实验进行重音和停顿两方面韵律标注,比较标为重和标为轻的音节的音高值。重音知觉实验结果表明,音域平移和高音点提高都是重音知觉的线索,但是高音点的提高对词重音知觉的作用更明显。重读音节音高变化模式的两项研究表明,重读音节的音高在高音线-低音线渐降汉语语调模式上变化,高音点的提高是重读音节音高变化的主要声学表现,低音点的变化更多地受到低音线渐降的限制,变化的幅度不十分明显,而且不足必须提高。高音线-低音线双线语调模型中,高音线起落的变化,前后音节高音点的对比关系表明句中音节的重读程度。 The pitch cues of Chinese accented senses and the patterns of the pitch changes of accented sentences in the sentence were studied. The thesis is divided into three parts: accent perception experiment, question and answer matching experiment and corpus analysis. Acoustic perception experiment mainly investigates the pitch cues of accent perception, mainly the contribution of the bass point and the bass point to the accent perception. On the one hand, from the point of view of the speaker, using / DAO4 / as the representative syllable to design a few experimental sentences, please ask a few speakers to read, system arrangement / DAO4 / in the sentence On the other hand, from the listener’s point of view, we use the corpus analysis to stress and pause a large-scale corpus through perceptual experiments Prosodic labeling is performed on both sides, comparing the pitch values ​​of the syllables marked as heavy and marked as light. Accent perception experiment results show that both the panning of the sound field and the increase of the bass point are the clues of the accent perception, but the improvement of the treble point has a more obvious effect on the word accent perception. Two studies of re-syllable pitch variation patterns show that the pitch of accented syllables varies in the pattern of decreasing intonation of the bass line - the bass line, the increase of the bass point is the major acoustic manifestation of the change in syllable pitch, and the change of the bass point More bounded by the descending of the bass line, the rate of change is not very clear, and the deficiencies must be improved. Bass Line - Bass Line Two-line tone model, the change of the bass line ups and downs, the contrast between the front and rear syllables point syllables that the degree of rewriting.
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