The Propagation of Longitudinal Wave in Rate-dependent Plastic Softening Material

来源 :Science in China,Ser.A | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hq260
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Transient longitudinal waves in a strain-softening rod has been investigated. For rate-dependent materials, the governing equations are proved to be hyperbolic, thereby indicating that the stress waves in softening state still propagate along the rod. A transient solution for a semi-infinite rod subjected to an axial impact has been obtained, which shows that there exists a finite softening region in the rod and it travels along the rod. It is indicated that the length of the softening region and the plastic wave speed are pertinent to the rate sensitivity as well as to the softening character of materials. For rate-dependent materials, the governing equations are proved to be hyperbolic, thereby indicating that the stress waves in softening state still propagate along the rod. A transient solution for a semi- infinite rod subjected to an axial impact has been obtained, which shows there there a finite softening region in the rod and it travels along the rod. It is indicated that the length of the softening region and the plastic wave speed are pertinent to the rate sensitivity as well as to the softening character of materials.
摘要 《税收征收管理法》规定了税收优先权制度,但其规定存在着诸多缺陷,如:法律之间的规定存在着冲突、国税与地税以及不同税种之间的效力冲突、税收优先权的实现方式不明确、法律主体的责任不明确等,这些都有待于进一步完善。   关键词 税收优先权 国税 地税  中图分类号:D923.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-0592(2009)11-063-01    税收优先权,或称税收的一般优先权,通常是指
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