The Culture Shock and Adaptation in Crocodile Dundee

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  Abstract:Culture shock is a common phenomenon,which has historical cause,symptoms,and cure.Usually adaptation to a new culture has following steps:hostility,honeymoon,recovery,and adjustment.This essay is mainly about the culture shock and adaptation in film Crocodile Dundee.
  Key Words:culture chock,adaptation,recovery,adjustment

  Ⅰ Two Settings
  Crocodile Dundee is a romantic film reflecting culture shocks in cross-culture interaction.With mild and sharp eyesight,humorous and optimistic character,Dundee won the heart of the leading actress Sue as well as large audience in modern society.
  The film was shot in two completely different settings,the outback of Australia and New York.The former was made up of flourish jungle,full of poisonous snakes,buffaloes and crocodiles.People there were simple,friendly and primitive.While the latter was full of people from different countries.However,as a concrete jungle,New Yorkers were hypocritical,even felling superior to other races and tribes.
  The two settings were contradictory,which foreshadowed more conflicts due to different cultures.Culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge,belief,art,law,morals,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."
  ⅡCulture Shock
  Culture shock is a concept first brought forward by American anthropologist Kalvero Oberg in 1958.He found that culture shock is almost like a disease:it has a cause,symptoms,and a cure.This term expresses the lack of direction,the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment,and not knowing what is appropriate or not.The onset can vary from a few weeks to months after coming to a new place.Culture shock results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.Kalvero Oberg described four stages in culture shock.
  Stage one is the interesting honeymoon phase.Every new experience seems gorgeous.People feel pleasant to explore whatever is new.Then,the second stage of culture shock appears.This is “the hostility stage”.In this stage the shine wears off and the difficulties of reality replace the charming “honeymoon.” At this point one must adjust to a new culture by devising positive measures to cope with constant challenge in a new culture.If one sticks to try out and experience,he will probably move to the third phase of culture shock:recovery.In this stage,people learn the systems,procedures,language,or nonverbal behaviors of the new environment so that they can cope with it competently.Finally,the last stage “adjustment” occurs.People get along well in the new culture.People may become so well adapted to the new environment that they will again experience culture shock when they return to their original home.   Ⅲ Culture shock and adaptation in the film from the perspective of two cultures
  As main character in Crocodile Dundee,Dundee was born in mountains and lived with primitive aboriginals.He knew nothing about modern city,nor did he take any interest in politics and social issue.On the contrary,the leading actress Sue grew up in a well-off family.She was independent,strong-minded and energetic,feeling superior to people from other places and races.It’s clear that the two characters represented two jungle bushes:the natural jungle in Australia and the concrete jungle New York.When they met,two different cultures clashed together.
  At the beginning,Sue was positive and eager to go to the outback to meet the Australian legend Dundee.Obviously,she was at the first stage of culture shock---- the honeymoon phase.
  Arriving at the destination,Sue found conditions there unsatisfactory.She saw a Dundee rudely boasting,fighting and full of nonsense,which was far away from her expectation.Sue felt frustrated and even doubted about her trip.Apparently Sue came to the second hostility stage.Reality wore off her enthusiasm.
  With their trip into the deep jungle,Sue took positive measures to overcome hostility.Dundee showed his boldness to control buffalo and treat poisonous snakes.He also tactfully fought back those crazy hunters for kangaroos from the city.In this recovery process,nothing could irritate Sue.She was almost assimilated by Dundee and his culture.
  However,when Dundee said the jungle was “a man’s field,not for city girls”,Sue got angry.She wanted to prove that New Yorkers feared nothing.No one would forget the scene:Sue was in danger of being swallowed by a crocodile and the hero appeared in time.Saved by Dundee from the mouth of crocodile,Sue was filled with hearty admiration.Dundee conquered the New Yorker by his capability in bush.In the last part of their exploration,Sue totally trusted her mate.It’s a positive progress.Their non-verbal communication in the end indicated their positive relationship.At last,Sue tasted the typical food in the bush and swam at ease with Dundee in a river.Obviously they were in a harmonious adjustment stage.
  Ⅳ Conclusion
  Where there is communication,there is conflict.And more conflicts will slowly change into adaptation.That’s a dynamic process.Culture shock is not fearful.As time passes one will become more familiar with the new culture and find it easier to interpret any subtle cues.
  [1]Edward B.Tylor,Primitive Culture,Estes & Lauriat,1871.
【摘要】采用有效的教学方法,充分调动学生善于质疑、设疑,启发他们排疑、解疑,帮助他们消除学习心理上的障碍,逐步掌握科学的学习方法。  【关键词】质疑;设疑;排疑;解疑    疑,即疑问;疑惑,亦曰疑义、疑难。众云:获知始于生疑。我们物理教师若能采用有效的教学方法,充分调动学生善于质疑、设疑,启发他们排疑、解疑,帮助他们消除学习心理上的障碍,逐步掌握科学的学习方法,就能促进他们顺利地运用旧知识来同化
一、难点形成的主要原因:  初中生学习物理,由于许多主观和客观的原因,在学习新知时,不可避免地遇到教材中的各种难点,概括起来。难点的存在主要有以下几种原因:  1、由于学生受思维活动的影响,一些概念和规律很抽象,很难使学生接受,因而成为教学中的难点。如学习物体的运动和静止是相对的知识时,由于许多知识涉及到哲学的原理,很深奥,学生感到很头痛;又如光学中遇到的虚像概念,牛顿第一运运定律;分子动理论等理
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1 研究目的  1.1 选题背景  太极拳是我们当代体育教育的一项重要内容,在二十四式太极拳的组织教学中把团体心理训练内容结合性的引入,使之与拳式的教学有机地结合,以增加学生们之间的自信心、凝聚力和探索热情,从而能更好地学习太极拳的技能要领,提高学生对太极拳等传统体育项目的的深入掌握和理解。本文通过对比实验的探究,利用对照班和实验班学生在学习太极拳时的考核成绩作为实验参考数据,对这些学生的成绩进行