新常态 新改革 新希望

来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuthusboy
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2014年在快马加鞭的改革发展中落下帷幕,2015年也已在喜乐洋洋的憧憬与期待中悄然开局。在此,《中国财政》向广大读者、作者致以最诚挚的问候和祝福,感谢你们的点赞和吐槽,使我们离“读者喜爱的杂志、读者需要的杂志”更近一步。新的一年,希望大家继续给予更多的关怀和关注,共同为宣传好财政改革发展贡献更多的力量。2014年,注定会在财政改革发展的历史中标注出一段新的改革征程。《全面深化财税体制改革总体方案》出台,财政作为国家治理的基础和重要支柱,率先破题全面深化改革全局。《预算法》完成十年修法,将近年来财政改革发展的成功经验,以及现代财政制度的基本要素和理念原则等,用法律的形式确定下来,实现了以法治引领改革、以改革完善法治的有机结合,全面推进依法行政依法理财已然起势。完善政府预算体系、健全透明预算制度、改进预 In 2014, the reform and development ended in full swing. In 2015, it has quietly started its joyful dreams and expectations. Herein, “China’s Finance” expresses its sincere greetings and best wishes to the readers and authors, and thanks you for your praise and encouragement, so that we can take one step closer to our readers ’favorite magazines and readers’ magazines. In the new year, I hope all of you will continue to give more care and attention to jointly contributing more to the promotion of good financial reform and development. In 2014, it is bound to mark a new phase of reform in the history of the financial reform and development. The “Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Financial and Taxation System” was promulgated. As the foundation and important pillar of state governance, finance took the lead in breaking the overall theme of the overall reform. The Budget Law has completed the ten-year revision of the law, and has succeeded in reforming and developing the fiscal system in recent years, as well as the basic elements of the modern financial system and the principles and principles of the concept of the law, and has been determined in the form of law. The Organic Law has led to the rule of law leading the reform to reform and perfect the rule of law Combine and comprehensively promote the administration according to law wealth management has taken shape. Improve the government budget system, improve the transparency of the budget system, improve the pre-
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