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接生遇有外阴见头而不能娩出时,必须慎重考虑是什么原因引起的,是子宫收缩无力?还是头盆不称?在未弄清原因以前,不能随便使用脑垂体后叶素。即使明确了是子宫收缩乏力造成的,也还需考虑产妇本身是否适用此药。因为滥用此药有时可以导致子宫破裂的危险。此例的教训应该记取。脑垂体后叶素的一般适应证,为第三产程子宫收缩乏力所致的产后出血;对第一二产程的子宫收缩乏力虽也可使用,但需严格掌握适应证。一般凡不能经阴道分娩者,如头盆不称,胎位不正,产次在四次或以上,子宫有疤痕及子宫畸形等,均不宜采用。在使用方法上,如为第三产程,可按当时的需要,行肌内或静脉注射,以10个国际单位为单次剂量,必要时可重复注射。如在第一二产程应用,则以用5%葡萄糖液500毫升加脑垂体后叶素2~3国际单位(极量为10国际单位)静脉滴注或鼻腔内药物吸入法较好,其优点为可以随时控制用量,以满足纠正子宫收缩乏力及子宫口扩张之目的。用药后需严密观察产程,注意产妇一般情况、宫缩及胎心变化,以防止意外。过去,常将脑垂体后素称为催产素,近来许多妇科工作者认为这一名称不恰当。因易致误解为凡是滞产均可用之催产,故提出应改称为“宫缩素”。 Occurrence of the vulva encountered in the head and can not be delivered, we must carefully consider what causes, is the uterine contractions weakness? Or head basin is not known? Did not understand the reason before, can not be easily used pituitrin. Even if it is clear that the uterus caused by fatigue, but also need to consider whether the maternal application of the drug itself. Because of the abuse of this medicine can sometimes lead to the risk of rupture of the uterus. The lessons of this example should be remembered. Pituitrin general indications for the third stage of uterine atony due to postpartum hemorrhage; on the first two stages of uterine atony may be used, but the need to strictly control the indications. General who can not be delivered by the vagina, such as the first basin is not known, fetal position is not correct, the production times in four or more, uterine scar and uterine malformations, should not be used. In the use of methods, such as the third stage of labor, according to the needs of the time, intramuscular or intravenous injection to 10 international units as a single dose, if necessary, repeated injections. If the first two-stage application, then with 500ml of 5% glucose solution plus pituitrin 2 to 3 International Units (10 IOUs) intravenous or intranasal drug inhalation is better, the advantages To control the dosage at any time to meet the correction of uterine atony and uterine dilatation purposes. After treatment should be closely observed labor, pay attention to the general situation of maternal, uterine contractions and changes in fetal heart rate to prevent accidents. In the past, the pituitary hormone was often called oxytocin and many gynecologists recently thought it inappropriate. Due to easy to cause misunderstanding for all those who are able to delay labor oxytocin, it should be renamed “orifixin.”
1.按书名页署名照录。例如,History of Great War一书,著者为Buchan,John,但该著者在另一本书Pilgrim’s Way却署名为Tweadsmuir, 1. Press the title page signature reco
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