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过赶年是土家族的民族习俗之一,沿袭至今,已有数百年的历史。过赶年,简而言之,就是比汉族提前一天过年,即腊月小过二十八日,腊月大过二十九日。 过赶年是土家人为了纪念祖先而沿袭下来的习俗。相传土家人的祖先被朝廷征召去沿海一带抗击倭寇,出兵之时正值岁末,计算路程,过了年走又怕时间来不及,不过年呢,又怕去了战死沙场回不了家,于是决定提前把年过了再走。这就是土家人过赶年的由来。 土家人的坨坨肉也是相伴赶年而生的。坨坨肉就是肉不切细,坨肉与坨肉之间不切断,这主要是由于当时时间紧迫所致,同时也表现了土家人的精诚团结。坨坨肉的传统做 After catching up is one of Tujia national customs, inherited so far, has hundreds of years of history. After a rush year, in short, it is one day ahead of Han Chinese New Year, that is, the twelfth lunar month is smaller than 28th and the twelfth lunar month is over 29th. After years of catastrophe is Tujia people in order to commemorate the ancestors and follow the custom. Legend has it that the ancestors of Tujia were summoned by the court to fight pirates along the coast and when troops were at the end of the year, calculate the distance. After a lapse of years, it was too late for fear of leaving the country. However, Decided to advance over the year. This is the origin of Tujia people had to catch up. Tu Tu Tuo meat is also accompanied by the year after year students. Tuotuo meat is not flesh meat, lump meat and lump of meat does not cut off, mainly due to the urgency of the time caused, but also demonstrated the sincere solidarity Tujia. Tutuo meat tradition to do
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