
来源 :林业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huimin0609
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In this study,cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTI) gene, an insecticidal gene,was introduced into two Populus tomentosa clones by gene transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The transformed regeneration shoots were obtained directly by leaf discs.In order to established selection condition,leaf discs were cultured in the medium with increasing concentration kanamycin.Kanamycin resistant(km r)plantlets were obtained by 3~4 cycles screening in selective condition.Then transformed shoots were rooted in the medium containing kanamycin 50?mg/L and transferred to greenhouse.The presence of CpTI gene in transgenic plants were confirmed by PCR and PCR|Southern blot. In this study, cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTI) gene, an insecticidal gene, was introduced into two Populus tomentosa clones by gene transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The transformed regeneration shoots were obtained directly by leaf discs.In order to establish selection condition, leaf discs were cultured in the medium with increasing concentration kanamycin.Kanamycin resistant (km r) plantlets were obtained by 3 ~ 4 cycles screening in selective condition.Then transformed shoots were rooted in the medium containing kanamycin 50 mg / L and transferred to greenhouse. The presence of CpTI gene in transgenic plants were confirmed by PCR and PCR | Southern blot.
陨石中的Na、Mn等杂质元素,经中子活化后产生~(24)Na和~(56)Mn等核素,它们干扰Ga的测定,因此必须进行放化分离。实验步骤如下: 称取20mg陨石样品置于铝制照射筒中,与标准一
2007年9月6日,在德国斯图加特保时捷体育馆,中国男子体操队成功卫冕团体金牌实现三连冠。 September 6, 2007, at the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart, Germany, the Chinese m
柔道之关键在于“破势”,即破坏对方的平衡,同时自己不失去平衡。    多数运动队,队员的身量,体形大体相差无几。但是练柔道的女孩,当她们一个个从眼前经过时,带来的感觉可就大不一样了,高矮胖瘦,一应俱全,瘦小的如体操女孩般玲珑,壮硕的似举重大力士般威猛。惊奇之余反应过来有什么奇怪的,小级别的48公斤,大级别的78公斤以上,后者一使劲,没准儿就把前者拎起来了。可是脚下个个都很利索,有如生风般,很容易让
在1952和1956年期间,研究了蒙塔那州博耳德岩基北部的一些含铀热液矿脉。详细研究了三个矿山:W.威尔孙矿、G.华盛顿矿和弗里·恩特普莱斯矿。这些矿脉是 During 1952 and 1