Thanksgiving Feast

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  Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday. It falls on the fourth Thursday of every November. Americans usually take the following Friday off, especially after having such a hearty meal—nobody wants to work.
  Unlike Christmas or Easter, Thanksgiving is not religious but was first celebrated by the Pilgrims[朝圣者] after their harvest in the New World—North America—in the 17th century. So as you can imagine, delicacies from appetizers[开胃食品] like various dips, salads and soup to the key dishes like roast turkey, vegetables and corn bread to desserts like pumpkin pies, cider[苹果汁], ice cream, you name them, will all be served in one meal on Thanksgiving Day. There’s so much to savor[品尝], just be prepared to have an eating marathon all night!
  I did not know how important Thanksgiving is to Americans until I got to this country. Thanksgiving is comparable to the family reunion on winter solstice[冬至] or on Spring Festival’s eve in China. Most Americans prefer spending Thanksgiving Day with their family members at home. It is a time for family—both immediate and distant—to get together. So the traffic this time of year across the States is super heavy.
  My first year studying in America, I was invited to my professor’s home for Thanksgiving. Early in the evening, her house had been packed with guests—mostly family members—from all over the world. Surrounded by all sorts of goodies, I felt so at home. My professor and several helpers were working hard in the kitchen. They had prepared the feast[盛宴] a week before. See, that is the American spirit of do-it-yourself, instead of dining out or ordering catered food.
  If you want to try everything served on the table, take a small portion of each. That was the lesson I learned. Otherwise, your belly[肚子,腹部] might be too stuffed before the best dish is served.
  If you are spending Thanksgiving in America, you cannot get away from American football. Watching the football game is a Thanksgiving tradition after a big fat meal. However, if you do not like American football and you can somehow hang on until midnight, you can try your luck at the Black Friday sales.
  Black Friday—the Friday after Thanksgiving—is the first day of the Christmas shopping season. In other words, Thanksgiving kicks off the Christmas holiday season. If you are lucky, you can get lots of consumer goods at very low prices. (For more about Black Friday, please refer to the November 2011 issue.)
  Anyway, Thanksgiving is a great holiday for every American to look forward to—I even think it is more important than Christmas for American families to get together.
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