
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ersand
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现代社会是一个商流、物流、信息流高速交换和快速传递的社会。道路交通作为商流、物流的主渠道和主形式,其畅通、安全与否直接影响着人民群众正常的工作、学习和生活, 直接关系着一个地区、甚至国家民族的经济建设。公安交警作为道路交通管理的执法主体, 其执法能力的强弱,执法水平的高低直接关系着道路交通的安全、畅通与否,直接影响着社会的和谐和经济的可持续发展。那么,如何才能有效地加强公安交警执法能力建设,切实提高基层公安交警执法水平,努力实现“一降两保”工作目标,全力构建和谐道路交通环境,笔者认为,须正确处理“四种关系“,突出提高“四个能力”,即正确处理执法能力与执政能力的关系,突出提高驾驭道路交通管理工作的能力;正确处理执法能力与队伍建设之间的关系,突出提高工作创新能力;正确处理执法与监督之间的关系,突出提高警风建设能力;正确处理执法与服务之间的关系,突出提高服务群众、服务经济社会发展的能力。 Modern society is a society where business flow, logistics and information exchange at a high speed and rapid transmission. As the main channel and the main form of business flow and logistics, the traffic flow and safety of road traffic directly affect the normal work, study and life of the masses of the people, and directly affect the economic construction of the nationalities in one region or even the nation. As the main body of law enforcement of road traffic management, public security and traffic police, whose law enforcement ability and law enforcement level are directly related to the safety and smoothness of road traffic, have a direct impact on the social harmony and the sustainable economic development. So, how to effectively strengthen the law enforcement capacity of public security traffic police, effectively improve the level of grass-roots police traffic police enforcement, and strive to achieve the goal of “reducing one or two guarantees”, and strive to build a harmonious road traffic environment, I believe that we must correctly handle the “four relations” , Highlighting the improvement of “four abilities”, that is, correctly handling the relationship between law enforcement ability and governing capability, highlighting the ability to improve road traffic management, properly handling the relationship between law enforcement ability and team building, and highlighting the ability to work innovation, and correctly handling Law enforcement and supervision, highlighting the ability to build the police force; correctly handle the relationship between law enforcement and services, highlighting the ability to serve the masses and serve economic and social development.
全国政协外事委员会在西部调研时来西北大学座谈,很幸运校领导也让我参加并给机会发言,当时就结合自己学术研究的内容与现状,就为什么“丝绸之路”在文化上能得到那么多发达国家学者的重视,什么是丝绸之路上的“文化精神”,什么样的传统文化是真正能得到世界公认和尊重的“中国传统文化”,以及什么样的中国文化才配走出去等问题做了如下即兴发言。    我作为首批公费留学生东渡扶桑时,正赶上日本的“丝路热”,那时遍览了