
来源 :农产品市场周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fudxing
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近日,第五届中国国际农产品交易会在山东济南开幕。本届农交会是第一次在京外举办,以“绿色农业、和谐农村”为主题,以“精品、开放、务实”为原则,以“展示成果、推动交流、促进贸易”为宗旨。本届农交会与往届相比,特色更为鲜明。展示规模为历届之最,展示内容进一步拓展,本届农交会展示面积达6万平方米,较上届增加了2万平方米,为历届之最。全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)、新疆生产建设兵团和台湾展团共有1536家企业参加展示交易。农交会展销厅内一片热闹非凡的景象,可谓人潮涌动,摩肩接踵啊!无论是公司厂家的集体采购还是普通百姓的居家置办,都是热火朝天的。看到一个个参展单位的工作人员,准备充足的为自己的产品做着介绍,把新技术、新产品都展示出来,感兴趣的消费者和厂家更是听的仔细认真。当然在展销厅里少不了试吃环节,记者被一阵阵食物香气吸引着,各种试吃自然也把枯燥的展销大厅变成了孩子们的乐园。连记者也被这样的热闹景象所打动,我们的记者在农交会现场发现了很多体现“绿色农业”这一主题的名优产品,记者迫不及待的想要把这些新好产品介绍给大家。 Recently, the Fifth China International Agricultural Products Fair was opened in Jinan, Shandong Province. This year’s Agricultural Trade Fair was held for the first time outside Beijing, with the theme of “green agriculture, harmonious countryside ” and “boutique, openness, pragmatism” as its principle, “displaying achievements, promoting exchanges, and promoting trade” "For the purpose. Compared with the previous session, this year’s Agricultural Exchange Society has more distinctive features. The exhibition scale is the highest ever, and the content of the exhibition has been further expanded. The exhibition area of ​​this year’s Agricultural Exchange has reached 60,000 square meters, an increase of 20,000 square meters compared with the previous session, which is the highest ever. A total of 1,536 companies from 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government), Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Taiwan Pavilion participated in the exhibition transaction. The lively scene in the Exhibition Hall of the China National Agricultural Exhibition Hall is a crowded scene, and it is a crowded place, no matter whether it is the collective purchase of the company’s manufacturers or the home ownership of the ordinary people, it is in full swing. Seeing the staff of the participating companies one by one, prepared to give sufficient introductions to their products and to display new technologies and products. Interested consumers and manufacturers listen carefully. Of course, in the exhibition hall, the tasting session was indispensable. The reporter was attracted by waves of food aromas. All kinds of tasting naturally turned the boring exhibition hall into a paradise for children. Even reporters were impressed by such lively scenes. Our reporters found many famous and high-quality products that reflected the theme of “green agriculture” at the scene of the Agricultural Exchange. The reporters were eager to introduce these new products to everyone.
“饮、用问题 一次解决”我们觉得这次参加蓝飘尔在小区举办的团购活动真的很划算,不仅价格实惠,安装、售后服务方面也更省心。有问题我们当场就能咨询厂商的相关专家和设计
“免费”是人们日常生活中受欢迎的话题。英语中表达“免费”概念的词语不外乎free,forfree,free of charge,freebie,gratis,complimentary,on the house等。要正确使用这些
由于英汉两种语言文化存在差异,容易导致一些介词的误用,现举例如下: 1.难道我没告诉你要按时到这儿吗? Don’t I tell you to be here in time? 分析:in应为on。in time意
指南针的发明,让人们发现了新大陆;火药的发明,让人们懂得了使用枪和炮;网络的发明,却告诉了人们怎样足不出户,便知天下事,什么叫“史上最牛”。如今,“史上最牛”已俨然成为人群中的口头禅,如史上最牛钉子户、史上最牛公务员、史上最牛推销员、……  而在南北大动脉必经之地的长沙,有一位拥有高学历,高待遇的陈灿博士,却在汽车下游产业开辟出了一个全新的知识型博士经济,被业界及加盟商号称“史上最牛加盟品牌和20
dk之前读短[u],脚与食物恰相反,①非重音中也读[u],血与水灾属特殊,②其他情况念长[u:],oo加r要读[:],poor例外要记住。③ Read short [u] before dk, the opposite of fee