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科学、合理的进行城市规划设计能够促进城市规划管理水平进一步提高;而高效的规划管理工作能对城市规划设计起到良好的导向及指导作用,二者在城市发展中都扮演着十分重要的角色。随着时代的不断发展与城市化进程的日益加快,传统、陈旧的城市规划管理模式已无法满足新时期城市发展需求。因此,新时期要不仅要改革城市规划管理模式,还要加强对城市规划设计的监管,使之走向合理、规范化的设计轨道,促进规划管理水平进一步提高。城市规划管理与城市规划设计两者必须密切联合、协调统一、缺一不可,只有这样才能真正促进城市建设的可持续发展。 Scientific and reasonable urban planning and design can promote the further improvement of urban planning and management; and efficient planning and management work can play a guiding and guiding role in urban planning and design, both of which play an important role in urban development . With the continuous development of the times and the accelerating process of urbanization, the traditional and outdated urban planning and management model has been unable to meet the needs of urban development in the new era. Therefore, in the new era, we not only need to reform the urban planning and management mode, but also strengthen the supervision of urban planning and design so that we can move towards a reasonable and standardized design track and promote the further improvement of planning and management. Both urban planning management and urban planning and design must be closely united and harmonized, both indispensable and the only way to truly promote the sustainable development of urban construction.
孔子说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”用于漪老师的话说就是:“兴趣往往是学习的先导,有兴趣就会入迷,入迷,就钻得进去,学习就会有成效。”激发学生对语文课的兴趣,对提高教学效率起着事半功倍的作用,也是变被动为主动学习的有效途径。那么,怎样培养学生学习语文的兴趣呢?    一、“亲其师,信其道”——做学生喜欢的良师益友    如今的学生并非古时的学子,随着社会的发展,观念的不断更新,他们不再
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