
来源 :建筑工人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuzhizhedetiantang
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在高层结构施工中,大量采用组合钢模板。由于模板周转次数较多,很多模板产生翘曲变形,拼接缝不严。在浇捣混凝土的过程中,从模板接缝或预留孔洞处撒落不少砂浆和混凝土。拆模后,楼面上清理的砂浆和混凝土块常堆积如山。据估计可占每层混凝土总量的3%~4%。这些撒落在楼面上的建筑垃圾,需要花大量的人力,使用很多机械设备清理。车辆外运的费用也很昂贵,给标准化施工带来一定影响。为了解决高层结构施工中建筑垃圾的问题,我们对每层楼面上的建筑垃圾经过加工处理后,作为分隔墙材料取代砖墙,效果十分显著,其方法如下:模板拆除后,清除模板上的砂浆和混凝土块;铲掉墙面、天棚上突起漏挂的砂浆块,清除混在其中的回形销、支撑扣件、纸屑、木屑等杂物。对粒径大于20厘米的混凝土块,用铁锤敲碎。集中堆放时,粒径较大的堆一堆,粒径较小的另外堆放。 In the construction of high-rise structures, a large number of composite steel formworks are used. Due to the large number of template turnovers, many templates are warped and spliced. In the process of pouring concrete, a lot of mortar and concrete are thrown from the joints of the formwork or reserved holes. After demolishing, the mortar and concrete blocks cleaned up on the floor often pile up. It is estimated that it can account for 3% to 4% of the total amount of concrete in each layer. These construction wastes that landed on the floor need to spend a lot of manpower and use many mechanical equipments to clean up. The cost of outbound vehicles is also very expensive, which has a certain impact on the standardization of construction. In order to solve the problem of construction waste in the construction of high-rise structures, we have treated the construction waste on each floor as a wall material instead of a brick wall. The effect is very obvious. The method is as follows: Mortar and concrete blocks; shovel off the mortar blocks that protrude from the wall and ceiling, and remove debris, support fasteners, paper scraps, sawdust, and other debris mixed in. For concrete blocks larger than 20 cm in diameter, use a hammer to break them. When piled together, piles with larger grain sizes are piled up, and those with smaller grain sizes are piled up.
可恶,可恶,朱谦真是可恶。这次期中考试,我这个出了名的粗心鬼多目的梦想--赶上我的死对头同桌朱谦--今朝实现了。可他就是不甘心,非要在我的试卷上找茬儿不可。 Damn, damn
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