
来源 :新语文学习(小学高年级版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:camisado
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“好消息!好消息!《新语文学习》杂志的编辑来我们学校啦!”几个同学兴高采烈地跑到教室对我们说,同学们一下子欢呼雀跃起来。平时我对《新语文学习》杂志总是爱不释手,我喜欢《新语文学习》里的“阅读广角”和“异想天开”栏目。“阅读广角”里的文章让我明白了许多道理,比如《上帝的苹果》让我懂得要把握机会,《梦想的高度》让我知道做事只要有信心、肯努力,就会成功。 “Good news! Good news! The editor of New Language Study magazine comes to our school!” Several of the classmates went to the classroom happily and told us that the students cheered at once. Normally I always put it down for New Language Study magazine, and I like the columns “Reading Wide Angle” and “Whimsical” in “New Language Study.” The article “Reading Wide Angle” made me understand a lot of things. For example, “God’s apple” made me understand how to seize the opportunity. “The height of my dream” made me realize that as long as I have the confidence and work hard, I can succeed.
梅(Prunus mume Sieb.et Zucc.)原产我国,为蔷薇科李属植物,是我国亚热带地区的特产树种,可分为花梅和果梅两大类。其中果梅在我国的栽培与利用历史已有三千多年,是我国重要
第 回 期 水分亏缺条件下冬小麦几个抗旱性状的应用价值…………………………………、…………··柴守经等门) 冬小麦子粒品质性状多目标间接选择数学模型初探………………
The electromagnetic wave propagation in the chiral medium is goved by Maxwell’s equations together with the Drude-B-Fedorov (constitutive) equations.The proble
The Generalized Polarization Tensors (GPT) is a series of tensors which contain informations on the shape of a domain and its material parameters.The aim of thi
In this paper,we consider two different formulations (one is smooth and the other one is nonsmooth) for solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs),an important c