The Virtues of Book Ownership真正拥有一本书

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  “Can you spare1 a dollar so I can buy this book?”
  I heard a man’s deep voice ask this question as I raced up a flight of stairs, speeding my way to the second floor of the local public library to drop off some overdue books.2 His voice was coming from the library’s “sale room” on the first floor—a room that is little more than a closet but where you can score decent books and classics for a dollar or 50 cents.3
  I couldn’t hear the response of the person he was talking to, but his question bounced around4 in my head for the rest of the day. I wondered if the individual from whom he’d asked for the loan5 might have asked why anyone would need to borrow money to buy a book when they were standing inside a library—where any book can be borrowed for free. Then I wondered which book he wanted to buy, and why, because some books are indeed meant to be held onto6 for longer than standard loan times, even forever.
  There are some books (ok, more like many books, especially in my house) that need to be owned outright7. They need to be there on a shelf or in a pile, ready to be pulled out at just the right moment when you need the book (or when you don’t know you need the book until you start reading it again); you even need some of the books you’ve already read, because their presence can rekindle thoughts that were sparked by an earlier reading.8
  Ownership has always been about more than having the means to purchase a book—though as the man in the library illustrated, the means is necessary to kick off the process.9 Mortimer Adler, the founder of the Great Books program, explained in the 1940s exactly how you should go about reading a book and had this to say about book ownership:
  When you buy a book, you establish a property right10 in it, just as you do in clothes or furniture. When you buy and pay for them. But the act of purchase is actually only the prelude to possession in the case of a book.11 Full ownership of a book only comes when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it—which comes to the same thing—is by writing in it.
  The provenance of books—a record of ownership of a particular book through the course of time—can be found in antique books by studying bookplates and stamps placed on pages by one-time owners.12 The British National Archives recently highlighted some of the amazing antique books in its collection and the trail of owners each book passed between and how they establish this record of ownership.13   Ownership today can be tracked more often by scribbles and doodles and less by the elaborate bookplates of barons and earls.14 I pity the person who one day winds up with copies of some of my books—I am a notes-in-the-margins lady, filling books with arrows, brackets, asterisks, underlining, question marks, and exclamation points.15 These notes are the heavy traffic of my wrestling with ideas; the library would not abide this.16
  I asked one of my young sons why we should keep our family books instead of selling them. He explained it this way: “The oldest person in a family needs to pass down the books to the youngest person. Then they pass it down to their youngest kid.” If the process gets repeated again and again, a family achieves the goal of successively17 (and successfully) educating each new generation.
  In a recent Financial Times article on book collecting, city editor Jonathan Guthrie, who purchases old books, maintains that the words are merely one part of a book’s allure18. “Words are just one element of a book and not always the best part. Books as physical objects have a charm that also comes from typography, illustration, format and back-story.19 That is why collecting books can be such a deep source of pleasure,” Guthrie writes. But in an age when Marie Kondo’s best-selling book on the Japanese art of tidying up and getting rid of clutter is a staple in conversations, I fear book piles may be an obvious target for many families.20
  Last week, I let my daughter cut school so she could join me on what has become an annual pilgrimage to buy more books.21 Every year, a massive annual used book sale is held in Princeton, NJ.22 Typically there are between 85,000 and 125,000 books for sale over numerous days, most for less than $3. It is book lover’s nirvana23. For two and half hours my daughter and I sat on the floor digging through24 books, creating “maybe” piles and “definite” piles, books for ourselves and books for other members (and friends) of the family. These books will line our walls with our aspirations25—what we aspire to read, what we aspire to know, who we aspire to become through what we know. The books we own may embody26 the person we want to be. Even unread, they tell a story about us.
  As we approached midday, we unfolded ourselves from beneath the tables and picked ourselves up off the floor.27 We dragged our numerous bags to the checkout line and paid the bill that made us owners of these 162 books.28 I didn’t need to ask anyone to loan me a dollar that day, but if I had come up a dollar short, I would have asked another fellow book buyer to spot me, believing the need to own that particular book would be understood and graciously aided among the community of readers.29   1. spare: 给予,借。
  2. 当我正冲上一段台阶,匆匆赶去当地公共图书馆二层还几本逾期借阅的书时,听到了一个男人用低沉的声音询问这个问题。a flight of: 一段(楼梯),一段(台阶);overdue:(到期)未付的,未还的。
  3. closet: 贮藏室,壁橱;score: 赢得,获得;decent: 像样的,不错的;classics: 经典作品,名著。
  4. bounce around: 不停跳跃,任意变换。
  5. loan: 借款,贷款。
  6. hold onto: 抓紧,不放开。
  7. outright: 完全地,彻底地。
  8. 它们该被放在书架上或堆成一摞,以备需要时即刻取用(或是你本不知自己需要那本书,直到再次读它);你甚至需要几本读过的书,因为它们的存在会唤醒你以往阅读时萌生的想法。pile: 一摞,一堆;presence: 存在, 出现;rekindle: 使重新活跃,使复苏;spark: 引发,触发。
  9. illustrate: 表明,阐明;kick off: 开始。
  10. property right: 财务权,产权。
  11. prelude: 序幕,前奏; possession: 具有,拥有。
  12. 通过研究一本古书的历任旧主在书中留下的藏书票和印戳,能找出一本书的来源,也就是长期以来这本书的物主记录。provenance: 起源,出处;antique: 古老的,古董的;bookplate: 藏书者标签(贴在书中);stamp: 印记,戳记。
  13. British National Archives: 英国国家档案馆;highlight: 使突出,使强调;trail: 痕迹,踪迹。
  14. track: 跟踪,追踪;scribble: 潦草的字迹,涂鸦;doodle: 乱写乱画的东西;baron: 男爵;earl: 伯爵。
  15. 我同情未来某天会拿到我的藏书的那个人——我是个“爱在空白处做笔记的女士”,书中画满了箭头、括号、星号、下划线、问号和感叹号。wind up: 以……告终;margin: 页边空白,白边;bracket: 括号;asterisk: 星号;exclamation point: 感叹号。
  16. wrestle with: 设法处理,费力解决;abide: 容忍,忍受。
  17. successively: 连续地,接连地。
  18. allure: 诱惑力,吸引力。
  19. typography: 版面设计;illustration: 图示,插图;format: 版式,开本;back-story: 背景故事,前传。
  20. 但是,如今近藤麻理惠那本关于日本收纳及整理杂物艺术的畅销书成了人们聊天的主要内容,在这样一个时代,我担心对很多家庭来说,那一摞摞的书会成为首当其冲的清理对象。clutter: 杂乱的东西;staple: 主要部分,重要内容。
  21. cut school: 旷课;pilgrimage: (到喜欢且常去之地的)旅行。
  22. massive: 大规模的;NJ: New Jersey,美国新泽西州。
  23. nirvana: 天堂,极乐世界。
  24. dig through: 翻遍,挖掘。
  25. aspiration: 渴望,抱负。
  26. embody: 具体表现,体现。
  27. approach: 靠近,接近;midday: 中午,正午;unfold: 展开,打开。
  28. drag: (使劲而吃力地)拖,拽;checkout: 付款台,结账处。
  29. come up: 出现;fellow: 同伴的,同情况的;spot: 注意到,发现;graciously: 和蔼地,宽厚地。
猪在旧时称为swine,现统称pig。用pig骂人,带侮辱性。sow是母猪,hog是公猪,hog被阉则比喻selfish or greedy person。boar也是公猪,是无畏战士的象征,生肖属猪用boar这个词。可爱的小猪一般用piggy或piglet。一、三“猪”鼎立  1. swine在西方人眼里是低贱的,形容“令人不快的东西”;而母猪sow的境况与swine一样惨,因为太肥胖、太爱睡觉
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