深化高考改革 进一步推进中学素质教育——全国新增九省市单独组织高考命题工作

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为适应全面推进素质教育的新形势、在总结上海、北京两市自行组织高考命题经验的基础上,作为高考改革的一部分,经教育部批准,2004年将进一步扩大分省组织高考命题的范围。新增加单独组织本省市高考试题命制工作的有天津、辽宁、江苏、浙江、福建、湖北、湖南、广东、重庆9个省市。近年来.我国中小学课程改革以省为单位逐步推进,自1999年起各省在选择考试科目方面已有所不同,全国高考使用一张试卷的格局已经打破。扩大分省组织命题的范围,是适应各地实施素质教育、推进高中课程改革的需要,也是高考改革的进一步深化。教育部强调,高考进行分省命题并没有改变全国高等学校招生统一考试的性质。负责组织高考命题的省市,要按照全面贯彻国家教育方针和推进素质教育的要求,统一执行教育部颁布的《考试大纲》,招生录取政策、招生计划安排和招生考试日程,因此,中学应继续按计划精心组织教学,使广大考生安心学习备考。在分省命题、统一考试的第一年,为使考生更好地理解和把握《考试大纲》的要求以及考试内容的调整变化,本刊将在3、4期出版“专刊”,由《考试天纲》的编撰者就修订意图和修订内容做重点解说;为考生适应考前练习的需要,“专刊”组编了语文、数学、文综、理综及单科共16套练习题。对统一考试下的分省命题、考试、评卷及录取工作,《中国考试》杂志将一如既往的给予关注;对社会、考生关注的热点、焦点,《中国考试》将及时报道,竭诚为考试服务,为高考改革服务,为考生服务。 In order to fully advance the new situation of quality education and sum up the experience of organizing college entrance examinations in Shanghai and Beijing, as part of the college entrance examination reform, and with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the scope of organizing college entrance examination propositions will be further expanded in 2004. There are nine provinces and cities in Tianjin, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Chongqing. In recent years, the curriculum reform of primary and secondary schools in our country has been gradually promoted by the province. Since 1999, the provinces have made different choices in the examination subjects. The pattern of using one examination paper in the national college entrance examination has been broken. Expanding the scope of the provincial organization’s proposition is to meet the needs of all localities in implementing quality education and advancing curriculum reforms in senior high schools. It is also a further deepening of the college entrance examination reform. The Ministry of Education emphasizes that the provincial propositions of the college entrance examination do not change the nature of the national college entrance examination. The provinces and cities responsible for organizing the college entrance examination proposition must follow the requirements of fully implementing the national education policy and promoting quality education, and uniformly implement the “examination outline” promulgated by the Ministry of Education, the admission policy, enrollment planning, and the admission examination schedule. Therefore, secondary schools should continue Organize the teaching meticulously according to the plan, so that the majority of candidates feel comfortable learning preparation. In the first year of subprovincial propositions and unified examinations, in order to enable candidates to better understand and grasp the requirements of the Examination Outline and the changes in the contents of the examination, the journal will publish “special issues” in the 3rd and 4th issues. The editors of Tian Gang made key explanations on the revised intentions and the revised contents; for the candidates to adapt to the needs of pre-examination exercises, the “Special Issue” group compiled a total of 16 sets of exercises for the language, mathematics, literature, science, and single subjects. For the provincial propositions, exams, assessments, and admissions under the unified exam, the “China Exam” magazine will continue to pay attention; as far as the attention and focus of the society and candidates are concerned, the “China Exam” will be reported promptly and will serve the exams wholeheartedly. For the college entrance examination reform services, for candidates.
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