
来源 :温州瞭望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wofucyou4444
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改革开放30年来,温州经历了两次创业,成功实现了从贫困到温饱再到总体小康的历史性跨越。2007年,站在新的历史起点上,市委向全市人民发出了新的号召——温州要努力实现第三次跨越,努力实现由经济大市向经济强市跨越、创业城市向创新城市跨越、平安城市向和谐城市跨越;奥运圣火传递也是一次跨越,它跨越五洲四海,跨越神州大地;“更高、更快、更强”的奥林匹克精神,也是一种跨越,奥林匹克运动以及中国健儿在奥运会上的顽强拼搏,更是在不断跨越中续写新的篇章。“温州跨越之路”是780万温州人民共同的期盼。5月17日,温州将借助奥运圣火在瓯越大地上的传递,推动温州第三次跨越,见证中国和北京奥运会的跨越之路。 In the 30 years since the reform and opening up, Wenzhou has experienced two pioneering undertakings and succeeded in achieving a historic leap from poverty to food and clothing to overall well-to-do. In 2007, standing at a new historical starting point, the municipal party committee issued a new call to the people in the city - Wenzhou should strive to achieve the third leap forward, strive to achieve the leap from economic big city to strong economic city, venture capital city to innovative city, The peaceful city spans the city of harmony. The Olympic torch relay is also a leap forward. It spans across all continents and spans the vast land of China. The Olympic spirit of “higher, faster and stronger” is also a leap forward. The Olympic Movement and the Chinese athletes The perseverance in the Olympic Games, but also continue to write a new chapter in the cross. “Wenzhou crossing the road ” is the common hope of 7.8 million Wenzhou people. On May 17, Wenzhou will make use of the Olympic torch relay on the larger land of Ou to promote the third leap in Wenzhou and witness the leapfrog road between China and the Beijing Olympic Games.
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