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阿·瓦·格列别西科夫是前苏联屈指可数的满学家、语文学博士,曾任远东几所大学的教授,并多次到过中国东北和内地进修和考察。他虽然一生发表著作80多种,但仍有大量的手稿未能公开发表,现存于前苏联科学院东方学习研究所列宁格勒(圣彼德堡)分所。这些手稿是研究满族语言、文学、历史、宗教的珍贵参考资科,但自格列别西科夫逝世后的半个世纪里,外界儿子无人知晓,当然就更谈不上利用了。1991年2月4—6日,前苏联第22届“中国的社会与国家”学术研讨会在莫斯科召开,东方学研完所列宁格勃分所的满学研究者庞·达吉雅娜·阿列克山德洛夫娜撰文向与会者介绍了格列别西科夫的生平和手稿等情况,引起了与会者的极大兴趣。译者也应邀出席了这次大会,认为有必要介绍给我国的同行们。会议期间,莫斯科《科学》出版社已将提交给这次大会的百余篇文章的详细内容提要汇编成论文集,下面的内容就是依据论文集所收的庞·达吉雅娜·阿列克山德洛夫娜的文章内容提要译出的。因原文就不是全文,译者在翻译时又略有删节,因而可能有些地方不太连惯,望读者见谅。 Awa Ge Liebesikov is one of the few full-time scholars, linguistics Ph.D. in the former Soviet Union. He was a professor at several universities in the Far East and has visited many places in Northeast China and the Mainland for further study and study. Although there are more than 80 kinds of his works published over the years, a large number of manuscripts still can not be published in public. They exist in the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the former Soviet Academy of Sciences. These manuscripts are precious reference resources for the study of Manchu language, literature, history and religion. However, since the death of Cyrillic Seekh for half a century, no one knows the sons of the outside world, of course, let alone make use of it. From February 4 to February 6, 1991, the 22nd Symposium on “China’s Society and State” of the Former Soviet Union was held in Moscow. Pang Da Ji Yinah, a full-time researcher of the Leningrad branch of the Oriental Studies Institute, The author of the article, Alexey Lenklov, introduced Gretagiuskov’s life and manuscripts to the participants, arousing great interest from the participants. The translator was also invited to attend the conference and considered it necessary to introduce to my country’s counterparts. During the conference, Moscow Science Press has compiled a detailed summary of the hundreds of articles submitted to the conference into a collection of essays. The following is a collection of the papers collected by Pundara Jaina Alek Sandra Snow’s article summary of the translation. Because the original text is not the full text, the translator also slightly abridged the translation, which may not be used in some places, hope readers forgive me.
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