
来源 :成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtepnui2020
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1.纳入日程,加强领导。成人院校领导要认清办好后勤保证教学、抓好饭堂保证课堂这个道理,把后勤工作摆上位置,无论在人事安排上还是工作安排上都要认真研究。在当前经费紧缺的情况下,更要认真研究,做好后勤的周密计划,分清轻重缓急,有步骤地改善办学条件,安排好师生员工的生活。同时要教育教学和后勤人员互相体谅对方工作的难处,帮助他们认识到:教学和后勤都是学校不可分的有机组成部分,无论教师还是后勤人员都是光荣的教育工作者,只是分工不同而已。学校领导要作好后勤人员的思想工作,树立服务育人思想和奉献精神。2.千方百计提高后勤人员素质。第一、加强思想教育,提高后勤人员的思想素质。帮助他们克服“自卑”、“低人一等”的不良思想,树立勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨的服务观念。第二、实行岗位培训。后勤工作项目多,工种复杂、编制少,因此要着重进行岗位培训。提倡干 1. To be included in the agenda to strengthen leadership. The leaders of adult colleges and universities should clearly understand the principle of running a good logistics education, grasping the canteen to ensure the classroom and putting the logistics work on a proper footing, both in terms of personnel arrangement and work arrangement. Under the current shortage of funds, more careful study should be carried out, well-planned logistics should be carried out, the priorities should be prioritized, the conditions for running schools should be improved step by step, and the lives of staff and students should be arranged in a planned way. At the same time, education and logisticians should understand each other’s difficulties in understanding each other’s work and help them to realize that both teaching and logistics are integral part of the school. Both teachers and logisticians are glorious educators, and only the division of labor is different. School leaders should make good use of the ideological work of logistic personnel and establish the ideology and dedication of serving and educating people. 2. Do everything possible to improve the quality of the logisticians. First, strengthen ideological education and improve the ideological quality of logisticians. Help them to overcome the “inferiority”, “inferior first-class” bad ideas, and establish diligent, hard-working service concept. Second, the implementation of job training. Logistical work projects, complex types of work, the preparation of less, so we should focus on job training. Promote
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