
来源 :青岛大学医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ww337799
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1目的 观察人眼视网膜凹陷的组织学发育。 2方法 选择胚胎 7~ 38周眼球标本 414例 414眼及6 1例 6 1眼尸检眼球切片 ,观察了视网膜凹陷处视网膜神经节细胞 (RGC)、内核层 (INL )及视锥细胞核的层数 ,了解 INL中 Chievitz层数出现与消失的时间 ,视锥细胞内、外段及 Henlen纤维出现的时间。 3结果 凹陷部位的形态自胚胎 16周时局部微隆 ,到胚胎 2 4周时开始微凹陷 ,此后凹陷渐加深 ,RGC和 INL层渐变薄。 Chievitz过渡纤维在胚胎 2 4周时出现 ,3岁时仍然存在 ,4岁左右消失。 4结论 人眼视网膜凹陷的发育约在 4岁左右完成 Objective To observe the histological development of human retina. Methods Two hundred and seventy-four eyes (414 eyes) and 61 eyes (61 eyes) of each eye were collected from 7 to 38 weeks old embryos. The number of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), inner nuclear layers (INL) and cones , To know the time of appearance and disappearance of Chievitz layer in INL, the time of appearance of intracapsular, outer segments and Henlen fibers. 3 Results The shape of the depressed part of the micro-Long since the embryo at 16 weeks local time to 24 weeks embryos began to micro-depression, then deepening depression, RGC and INL layer gradient thin. Chievitz transitional fibers occur at 24 weeks in embryos, persist at the age of 3, and disappear at the age of 4 years. 4 Conclusion The development of human retina depression about 4 years old to complete
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