A modeling study of relation between cloud amount and SST over Western Tropical Pacific cloudy regio

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guxleo3322
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The relationship between cloud amount and sea surface temperature (SST) over Western Tropical Pacific cloudy regions during TOGA COARE is investigated based on hourly grid simulation data from a two-dimensional coupled ocean-cloud resolving atmosphere model. The model is forced by the large-scale vertical velocity and zonal wind observed and derived from TOGA COARE for a 50-day period. The cloud amount becomes smaller when the ocean surface gets warmer,which is similar to previous relations obtained from observational analyses. As SST increases,the atmospheric temperature increases whereas the surface sensible heat flux decreases. The atmospheric water vapor is not sensitive to SST whereas the surface evaporation flux decreases as SST increases. These indicate that the oceanic effects do not play an important role in determining atmospheric heat and water vapor budgets. The cold atmosphere pro-duces a larger amount of ice clouds that cover a larger area than the warm atmosphere does. The large amounts of ice clouds lead to cooling of the ocean surface through reflecting large amount of solar radiation back to the space. Thus,the negative correlation between the cloud amount and SST only accounts for the important atmospheric effects on the ocean. The relationship between cloud amount and sea surface temperature (SST) over Western Tropical Pacific cloudy regions during TOGA COARE is based on hourly grid simulation data from a two-dimensional coupled ocean-cloud resolving atmosphere model. The model is forced by the large- scale vertical velocity and zonal wind observed and derived from TOGA COARE for a 50-day period. The cloud amount becomes smaller when the ocean surface gets warmer, which is similar to previous relations obtained from observational analyzes. The said that the oceanic effects do not play an important role in determining atmospheric heat and water vapor budgets. The cold water vapor is not sensitive to SST while the surface evaporation flux decreases as SST increases. atmosphere pro-duces a larger amount of ice clouds that cover a larger area than the warm atmosphere does. T he large amounts of ice clouds lead to cooling of the ocean surface through reflecting large amount of solar radiation back to the space. Thus, the negative correlation between the cloud amount and the sST only accounts for the important atmospheric effects on the ocean.
摘要:随着CBA篮球联赛的不断发展,解决CBA裁判员职业化问题已迫在眉睫。本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、对CBA裁判职业化发展过程中存在的问题进行分析得出:裁判员是否愿意职业化改革以及执裁水平能否到达职业化裁判水平;工资待遇和裁判员培训问题;体育法规的不健全。建议:学习借鉴NBA先进的职业裁判管理制度;成立CBA职业联赛裁判专门管理机构选拔职业裁判; 为今后CBA裁判职业化管理提供理论参考。  
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