
来源 :中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taiguomin
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根据卫生部下达全国人体寄生虫分布调查通知,以我国肠道寄生虫的种类、分布、危害程度及流行规律为调查目标,采取分层整群随机抽样方法开展调查。于1988年至1990年3年内,共调查13个地(市)、35个县(区)所辖161个调查点(村),计85417人。共查见寄生虫感染者48081例,其总感染率为62.9%。查见线虫6种、吸虫2种、绦虫2种、原虫9种,共计19种肠道寄生虫。其中,钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫、蛲虫、猪带绦虫、华支睾吸虫、溶组织内阿米巴、贾第虫属于分布广泛、感染率高、危害较大的虫种。有关这些寄生虫病的流行现状和分布规律,为我省制定寄生虫病防治规划和措施,提供了可靠的依据。 According to the investigation notice issued by the Ministry of Health on the distribution of human parasites in China, the species, distribution, degree of harm, and epidemiological patterns of intestinal parasites in China are the targets of investigation, and stratified cluster random sampling methods are used for investigation. From 1988 to 1990, a total of 161 survey sites (villages) under the jurisdiction of 13 counties (cities) and 35 counties (districts) were investigated, with a total of 85,417 people. A total of 48,081 parasite infections were found, and the total infection rate was 62.9%. Six species of nematodes, two species of flukes, two species of aphids, and nine species of protozoa were found. A total of 19 intestinal parasites were found. Among them, hookworms, aphids, whipworms, aphids, swine tapeworms, Clonorchis sinensis, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia are widely distributed, high infection rates, and harmful species. The prevalence and distribution patterns of these parasitic diseases provide a reliable basis for our province to formulate plans and measures for prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases.
论述了玄驹胶囊的制备工艺和质量控制 ,并简要地介绍了玄驹胶囊治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床应用。 The preparation process and quality control of Xuan Zang capsules were
作者介绍了一种小型牙 力计,结构简单,精度较高,有恒温装置,使用方便。 The author introduced a small-scaled force meter with simple structure, high precision, constant
本文论述了护理专业时间管理所包含的内容,从应激反应问题,体力消耗问题,提出了一系列行之有效的安排时间技巧和最佳使用时间的方法,使其合理有效地安排工作时间。 This article