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第五届“三北”地区科技声象情报协作网会议暨第一届“三北”地区科技声象协会第四次会议,于1991年9月20日-27日在山西省太原市召开。出席这次会议的协作网成员单位及协会理事、常务理事单位共14个,会议代表30余人。来自“三北”地区13省区的与会代表和“长城杯”科技影视节目评委会认真观摩、评议了20个单位送评的29部电视片,并为获奖单位颁发了奖杯和荣誉证书(下附获奖名单)。会议期间,代表们围绕星火科技电视节目制作方面的技术问题及艺术处理进行了务虚。同时,还就拓宽声象情报工作的范畴与领域,进行了颇有新意的讨论,大家一致认识到:声象事业只有在更为广阔的科技事业圈中寻求化解困境的出路,只有在情报圈中才能得到壮大和发展。应该花大气力,重新构筑我们声象事业的思维框架,在科技事业中进行创造性的复杂劳动,直接跻身于科研核心地带。 The 5th “Three Norths” regional science and technology audio-visual information network conference and the first “Three Norths” regional science and technology audio-visual Association fourth meeting, September 20, 1991 -27 days in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Attendance of the meeting of the network members and Association members, executive director of a total of 14 units, more than 30 meeting delegates. Delegates from 13 provinces and autonomous regions in the “Three Norths” region and the “Great Wall Cup” science and technology film and television program jurors carefully observed and commented 29 television programs submitted by 20 units and awarded the trophy and honorary certificate Winners list). During the conference, delegates retreated around the technical issues and art processing in the production of Spark technology television programs. At the same time, it also conducted quite innovative discussions on the scope and field of expanding the audiovisual intelligence work. All of us unanimously recognized that the audiovisual enterprise only seeks for a solution to the dilemma in the broader science and technology circle. Only in the intelligence circle In order to get growth and development. It is time to devote a great deal of effort to reconstructing the thinking framework of our audiovisual career, carrying out creative and complicated work in science and technology and directly entering the core of scientific research.
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