Total syntheses of (±)-sarcophytol-A and (±)-echinodol, two naturally occurring macrocyclic diterpen

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanchuangye
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Cembrane-type diterpenoids, a novel class of natural products characterized by the presence of a 14-membered carbon skeleton, have been isolated from terrestrial and especially from marine sources in recent years, some of which have been reported to exhibit antitumor, antibacteria and plant-growth regulating activities. An ever-increasing interest in such natural products is a result of their remarkably wide range of biological activities and challenging structural features.Thus, studies on the total synthesis of this type of natural products and their analogues and the structure-activity relationship are of great importance in not only synthetic organic chemistry but also potential applications. Cembrane-type diterpenoids, a novel class of natural products characterized by the presence of a 14-membered carbon skeleton, have been isolated from terrestrial and especially from marine sources in recent years, some of which have been reported to exhibit antitumor, antibacteria and plant -growth regulating activities. An ever-increasing interest in such natural products is a result of their remarkably wide range of biological activities and challenging structural features .hus, on the total synthesis of this type of natural products and their analogues and the structure- activity relationship are of great importance in not only synthetic organic chemistry but also potential applications.
OBJECTIVE: Because small increments in levels of endogenous plasma estradiol are associated with higher postmenopausal bone mineral density, we investigated the
“天啊,还得走多久?”傻傻跟在朋友后头,走了快四十分钟,我忍不住开口埋怨了。  “快了快了。”朋友领着我在大广场附近的小路绕来绕去,这会儿站在一个三叉巷口,东张西望。我的这位老朋友平日对上馆子用餐这件事,并不算太挑,哪儿方便,东西又好吃,就去那儿,怎料这一回却一反常态。  “那家的意大利面真的很棒,好不容易来罗马,不回味一下,太可惜了。”他倒映在路边玻璃橱窗上的脸,此刻流露出馋人特有的某种迷醉神情
她是个心气颇高的女子,若非如此,也不至于年届三十才与他结婚。  早些年,她挑三拣四,直至昔日的追求者都有了各自的归属,唯独她剩到了最后。再后来,就遇见了他。  不是没有遗憾,他身高体重长相甚至收入都符合她早些年设下的标准,唯一的缺陷是结过一次婚。她常常想,若是能早几年认识,也许连这点小遗憾都不会有了。不过想归想,这些年的经历和年龄教会了她,错过他也许不会再有更完美的男子出现了。  于是,他们最终还
印度飞饼是两个人,两个曾经是情侣的人。  男的肤色比较黑,头发是自来卷,常被朋友笑话像印度阿三,所以叫印度。女孩因为和他在一起的时候俩人好得形影不离,总是手拉手出现,被人叫飞饼。  印度飞饼我们没吃过,但我们知道印度和飞饼绝对是俩吃货。  印度和飞饼有很多的共同点。比如都胖,两个人加在一起重量足有三百斤,走起路来圆滚滚的气势都很相似。又比如眼睛都小,一笑起来脸上都有小酒窝,赤裸裸的夫妻相。  不过
当父亲看着我吃完最后一个包子时,他轻轻地说:“把钱装好,明天自己去买一把口琴。”父亲将钱放进我的口袋,叮嘱我别舍不得买。送父亲去汽车站,当汽车开动的一刹那,我的泪水流了下来。怕父亲从车窗里看到,我赶紧低过头,等抬起头,汽车已经开得老远了……  那也是母亲去世的第一个冬天。为母亲治病花的钱还没有还清,我的生活费和家里大大小小的事情又全都落在了父亲的身上。很长时间我才知道,父亲一直头疼,而他这个民办教
新年伊始,一位来自美国的客人走进了广州军区的珠江宾馆,恭恭敬敬地把一个永久性纪念品——一本杂志大小的铝制荣誉奖状,递给一位正在这里冬休的老人。 奖状上写道: 我,吉姆