
来源 :湖南社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshishouhushen
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农地发展权是为了实现农地价值提升而将农地转化为非农用地或集约化使用的农地的权利。农地发展权主体应是农民集体与个体农民的有机统一。农地发展权是农民经济发展权的核心权利。它不仅是农民主体性发展的基本保障,也是农村耕地保护的基础性权利,更是农村市场经济发展的客观需要。保障农地发展权不仅应科学创设农地发展权为其提供立法保障,而且应优化村民自治为其提供政治保障,更应规范土地市场保障土地合法流转。 The right to development of agricultural land is the right to convert agricultural land into non-agricultural land or agricultural land for intensive use in order to realize the value increase of agricultural land. The main body of land development rights should be the organic unity of peasant collectives and individual peasants. The right to development of agricultural land is the core right of farmers to economic development. It is not only the basic guarantee for the subjective development of peasants, but also the basic rights for the protection of cultivated land in rural areas. It is also an objective need for the development of rural market economy. Guaranteeing the right to development of agricultural land should not only provide the legislative guarantee for the scientific creation of the right to farmland development, but also provide the political guarantee for the villagers’ self-government and ensure that the land market should ensure the legal transfer of the land.
那次回乡下探亲,正是收割时节。只见弟弟的那个水泥晒谷场上,一堆一堆的稻谷,在阳光下闪着金色的光泽。他们正在打包的打包,装车的装车,准备拉到粮站去交售。 Back home to
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11月4日 晴  人们喜欢鸟,把它们关在笼子里,精心照顾。但是鸟喜欢这样的生活吗?它们愿意呆在笼里吗。也许有人会说:“愿意,不然为什么人们把笼子里的鸟放生的时候,有的鸟却不愿意飞去呢?”这是因为那些鸟在笼子里呆的时间太长了,它们已经习惯了这种安逸的生活。  如果关在笼子里的不是鸟而是自己疼爱的孩子,这难道不让人深思吗?有很多家长就把自己的的孩子像小鸟一样地细心照顾,忽略了他们能力的培养,把他们关在
老师问学生:“你对李白的。床前明月光,疑是地上霜这两句诗有何感受?”  学生:“李白一定是个近视眼。”