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茂名市早年引种的湿地松,现已进入速生的中龄阶段,为确保湿地松林分在中龄以后发挥其生长潜力,通过抚育间伐,使林分有个合理的经营密度是非常必要的。本文就确定湿地松林分的较合理的经营密度进行讨论。一、调查地的概况调查地主要在茂名市中南部的电白、平湖、丽岗林场以及阳江林场,此外还有信宜、高州等地。除信宜和高州两地海拔在200—300m 外,其余的海拔都在80—200m 之间;坡度多在15°以内,少数在20°—30°;母岩以花岗岩为主,少数为变质砂岩,土壤基本属砖红壤性红壤,偏酸,肥力较差至中 Maoming introduced in early years of the pine is now entering the middle-aged stage of fast-growing, in order to ensure that wetland pine middle age to play its growth potential, by tending thinning, so that there is a reasonable management of forest density is necessary. This paper discusses the rational management of Pinus elliottii. First, the survey site survey The main site of investigation in central and southern Maoming City, Dianbai, Pinghu, Li Gang and Yangjiang Forest Farm, in addition to Xinyi, Gaozhou and other places. In addition to Xinyi and Gaozhou, the two places have an elevation of 200-300m, the rest are between 80-200m above sea level. Most of the slopes are within 15 ° and a few are between 20 ° and 30 °. The parent rocks are mainly granites and a few are metamorphic Sandstone, the soil is basically brick red soil red soil, partial acid, poor fertility to
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从本期起,将举办林业局(场)设计任务书的编制技术讲座。共分四讲:第一讲设计任务书的一般概念与编制程序第二讲设计任务书的主要内容(1~3)第三讲设计任务书的主要内容(4~8) 第
With the development of hydropower in the karst area of Southwest China, a series of cascade canyon reservoirs have been formed through the construction of dams
梵净山地处中亚热带;位于贵州省东北部,面积约567平方公里,为国家重点自然保护区之一。其山峰峦叠翠,林木参参,古老的孑遗树种在这里成片生长:深山密林,为多种飞禽 Fanjing