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对泡桐一年生埋根苗生长、干物质积累、储存/结构分配、同比物分配等规律进行了定量研究。并结合不同群体结构的研究,优化了育苗密度。研究结果表明:在年生长周期中,泡桐一年生埋根苗的叶面积增长和干物质积累规律均符合Logistic 方程,净同化率和比叶面积为单峰曲线,相对生长率和叶面积比随着时间的推移逐渐减小,储存/结构分配的变化规律与净同化率一致:而同化物的分配在各生长时期不同,生长初期主要分配给根系和叶片,速生期主要分配给叶片和茎,生长后期主要分配给茎和根系.同时,地上部分和地下部分的生长和分配具有交替节律性。密度影响单株叶面积、叶片的解剖结构和光能的分布,从而影响净同化率。随着密度的增大,净同化率降低,单株生物量减小。密度对储存/结构的分配没有显著影响,但它影响同化物在各器官间的分配。通过优化方法,确定育苗密度以每亩555株为最佳. The annual growth of Paulownia seedlings planted seedlings, dry matter accumulation, storage / structure distribution, the distribution of the same amount of objects were studied quantitatively. And combined with the study of different groups of structures, optimize the seedling density. The results showed that in the annual growth cycle, the annual growth and dry matter accumulation of the annual seedlings were consistent with Logistic equation, net assimilation rate and specific leaf area of ​​the single peak curve, the relative growth rate and leaf area ratio over time The changes of storage / structure distribution are consistent with the net assimilation rate: while the assimilates are distributed at different growth stages, the growth is mainly distributed to roots and leaves, the fast-growing stage is mainly distributed to leaves and stems, the later growth stage Mainly distributed to the stems and roots. At the same time, the aboveground and underground parts of the growth and distribution of alternating rhythmicity. Density affects the leaf area per plant, the anatomy of the leaves and the distribution of light energy, thus affecting the net assimilation rate. With the increase of density, the net assimilation rate decreased and the biomass per plant decreased. Density has no significant effect on storage / structure partitioning, but it affects the distribution of assimilates across organs. By optimizing the method, we determined that the nursery density was 555 plants per acre.
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