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Thirty-two cases of ovarian carcinoma, two of normal ovaries, four of benign epithelial ovarian tumor, and three of borderline epithelial ovarian tumor were studied using Southern blot hybridization of DNA. In 15 of the 32 cases of ovarian carcinoma, peripheral lymphocytes were also studied. The amplification rate of C-myc, C-N-ras, C-Ki-ras and C-erbB-2 in ovarian carcinoma were 50%, 44%, 31% and 25% respectively. The amplification of C-Ki-ras and C-N-ras took place chiefly in cases of early stage and those of good differentiation. The amplification of C-N-ras was also found in cases of advanced stage. The amplifications of C-myc and C-erbB-2 were chiefly found in cases above stage Ⅲ and those of poor differentiation. A total of 83% of the patients who died were found to have amplifications of more than 2 proto-oncogenes, with which the amplification of C-erbB-2 was involved. Thirty-two cases of ovarian carcinoma, two of normal ovaries, four of benign epithelial ovarian tumors, and three of borderline epithelial ovarian tumors were studied using Southern blot hybridization of DNA. In 15 of the 32 cases of ovarian carcinoma, peripheral lymphocytes were also The amplification rate of C-myc, CN-ras, C-Ki-ras and C-erbB-2 in ovarian carcinoma were 50%, 44%, 31% and 25% and CN-ras took place chiefly in cases of early stage and those of good differentiation. The amplification of CN-ras was also found in cases of advanced stage. The amplifications of C-myc and C-erbB-2 were chiefly found in cases above stage III and those of poor differentiation. A total of 83% of the patients who died were found to have amplifications of more than 2 proto-oncogenes, with the amplification of C-erbB-2 was involved.
发热为内科最常见的症状之一,但往往不易明确病因。作者近几年遇到5例长期发热病例,均因种种原因未得及时确诊,现报告如下,以期吸取经验教训。 例1 女,41岁。因发热、右侧胸
本文报道53例慢性乙型活动性肝炎(CAH-B)患者外周血自身花环(A-B)研究的结果。CAH-B组的A-B值比正常对照组(122例)的A-R 值明显降低,两者具有非常显著的统计学意义(P
时期地点主题扮87年l月1o~n日美国刃u比amT细胞生物学和克隆化专题讨论会1987年1月20一匆日美国Utah热损伤和创伤的免疫后果19盯年2月4~6日美国san Dleg。第9届临床实验室免