
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lang_yin
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Previous sleep studies of preterm neonates describe the rudimentary expression of sleep state cyclicity after 30 wk postconceptional age (PCA), with stability over multiple cycles only after 36 wk PCA. The research objective for this study was to determine whether sleep state cyclicity was expressed in neonates of 25-30 wk PCA, using two criteria for state identification. Our neonatal sleep consortium includes a total cohort of 359 children who were healthy and medically ill neonates who were recruited from three obstetric-neonatal services and received multiple-hour EEG sleep studies. A subset of the 33 youngest preterm infants were selected to evaluate the first of serial 2-to 3-h EEG-sleep recordings to assess the presence of sleep state cyclicity. One neonatal neurophysiologist visually assigned EEG-sleep characteristics for each record. Rapid eye movement (REM) counts and EEG discontinuity were specifi-cally chosen to assess whether sleep cyclicity was expressed. A combined measure of REM and EEG discontinuity were used in an autocovariance analysis to assess cycling and mean cycle duration. A mean cycle duration of 68 ± 19 min with a range of 37-100 min was determined from the REM-EEG discontinuity state for 24 neonates. The remaining nine infants had absent or poor sleep cyclicity. Sleep state cyclicity is expressed for a majority of neonates between 25 and 30 wk PCA, reflecting an ultradian biologic rhythm during the early perinatal stage of brain development. Previous sleep studies of preterm neonates describe the rudimentary expression of sleep state cyclicity after 30 wk postconceptional age (PCA), with stability over multiple cycles only after 36 wk PCA. The research objective for this study was to determine whether sleep state cyclicity was expressed in neonates of 25-30 wk PCA, using two criteria for state identification. Our neonatal sleep consortium includes a total cohort of 359 children who were healthy and medically ill neonates who were recruited from three obstetric-neonatal services and received multiple-hour EEG sleep studies . A subset of the 33 youngest preterm infants were selected to evaluate the first of serial 2-to 3-h EEG-sleep recordings to assess the presence of sleep state cyclicity. One neonatal neurophysiological visually assigned EEG-sleep characteristics for each record. Rapid eye movement (REM) counts and EEG discontinuity were specifi-cally chosen to assess whether sleep cyclicity was expressed. A combined measur e of REM and EEG discontinuity were used in an autocovariance analysis to assess cycling and mean cycle duration. A mean cycle duration of 68 ± 19 min with a range of 37-100 min was determined from the REM-EEG discontinuity state for 24 neonates. The remaining nine infants had absent or poor sleep cyclicity. Sleep state cyclicity is expressed for a majority of neonates between 25 and 30 wk PCA, reflecting an ultradian biologic rhythm during the early perinatal stage of brain development.
一、矢志不移,报效祖国; 汪良能教授1942年毕业于南京中央大学医学院并留校担任医疗教学工作。20世纪40年代,整形外科学刚刚形成,旧中国的该学科领域几乎是一片空白。为了尽快掌握这一新兴专业的各项技术,年轻的汪良能教授于1949年2月赴美国专攻整形外科学。他凭着勤奋与才智,在短短2年内即达到了高年资主治医师的施治水平,博得了国外同事的高度称赞,并受到美国烧伤整形界专家的重视。此时正逢中华人民共和国
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