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舟行江上,水云际。至钱塘江之南,六和塔对岸,有一休闲度假之地——杭州开元之江度假村。此正值春夏之交,草长莺飞,百花竞放,好一片自然美景。近水楼是个融合体,以稳居中庭之势,坐落在酒店江南风格的庭院中。近水楼秉承了江南建筑的一贯风格,且多出几分灵气,雅致地倚在之江度假村内庭里一湾浅浅的碧水、几丝轻拂的垂柳之间,集合了整个酒店风光之大成。白日里,倚在楼边的回廊上放眼望去,生机盎然的大草坪、繁茂的红枫;拥簇在草丛的鲜艳杜鹃花、远处飞翔的白鸽和池塘里戏水的鸳鸯,好一派自然的江南田园风光,而这些得天独厚的自然资源,在杭州这个经济城市的新中心,更显得弥足珍贵。入夜后,四周静谧一片,走上回廊遥望窗外,皎月铺洒大地,水中荡漾着依依月影,浪漫情怀在心头潜滋暗长。隔水相望,对面的进酒阁包厢群华灯璀璨,欢笑声阵阵传来,自是另有一番情趣。如果把对岸进酒阁比做豪迈的男人,那么一池碧水相隔的近水楼,更是娇羞可人。近水而得月,并与进酒阁遥相呼应,琼楼玉宇相映成趣,相得益彰;命名之人的匠心独运,不由得让人心生几分钦佩。 Boat trip on the river, water clouds. To the south of Qiantang River, the opposite of Liuhe Tower, there is a leisure resort - Hangzhou Kaiyuan Zhijiang Resort. This is the time of the turn of the spring and summer, grass long warbler, flowers race, a good natural beauty. Close to the water is a fusion body to stabilize the atrium trend, is located in the hotel Jiangnan style courtyard. Near the water floor adhering to the consistent style of Jiangnan architecture, and more a bit Aura, elegantly leaning against the Bay Resort in the Bay of shallow shallow water, a few whisk weeping willow, a collection of the entire hotel Dacheng . During the day, leaning on the corridor of the building on the look around, the vibrant lawn, luxuriant maple; clusters of bright azaleas in the grass, flying white pigeons and playing in the pond mandarin duck, good A school of natural pastoral landscape, and these unique natural resources, in Hangzhou, the new economic center of the city, even more valuable. After the night, surrounded by a quiet one, embarked on the corridor overlooking the window, the bright moon sprinkle the earth, the water rippling Yiyi Yue Ying, romance in the heart latent darkness. Across the water across the wine Pavilion Pavilion opposite the bright lights, laughter bursts came, since there is another taste. If the counterparts into the wine cabinet heroic than the man, then a pool of clear water near the water floor, it is shy pleasant. Near the water and in the month, and echoes with the wine Pavilion, Juxiao Yu Yu side by side into each other, complement each other; named people of originality, could not help but people feel a bit admired.
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