Amentoflavone protects hippocampal neurons: anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and antiapoptotic effe

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjj1993930
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Amentoflavone is a natural biflavone compound with many biological properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and neuroprotective effects. We presumed that amentoflavone exerts a neuroprotective effect in epilepsy models. Prior to model establishment, mice were intragastrically administered 25 mg/kg amentoflavone for 3 consecutive days. Amentoflavone effectively prevented pilocarpine-induced epilepsy in a mouse kindling model, suppressed nuclear factor-κB activation and expression, inhibited excessive discharge of hippocampal neurons resulting in a reduction in epileptic seizures, shortened attack time, and diminished loss and apoptosis of hippocampal neurons. Results suggested that amentoflavone protected hippocampal neurons in epilepsy mice via anti-inflammation, antioxidation, and antiapoptosis, and then effectively prevented the occurrence of seizures. A pre-administration of 25 mg / kg amentoflavone for 3 Sustained discharge of hippocampal neurons resulting in a reduction in epileptic seizures, shortened attack time, and diminished loss and apoptosis of hippocampal Neurons. Results suggested that amentoflavone protected hippocampal neurons in epilepsy mice via anti-inflammation, antioxidation, and antiapoptosis, and then essentially prevented the occurrence of seizures.
六度分隔与弱纽带  1967年,哈佛大学的心理学教授斯坦利·米尔格兰姆想要描绘一个连结人与社区的人际联系网。为此他做了一次“连锁信”实验。  他从内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州招募到一批志愿者,随机选择出三百多名,请他们邮寄一个信函。信函的最终目标是米尔格兰姆指定的一名住在波士顿的股票经纪人。出人意料的是,有六十多封信最终到达了目标股票经纪人手中,并且这些信函经过的中间人的数目平均只有5个。也就是说,陌生
摘 要:针对分析化学实验本科生实验技能操作中存在的问题,提出培养分析实验操作技能的若干策略,在教学活动中,调控教学系统诸要素,发挥教师的指导、激励及督促作用,改变“重结果,轻过程”的思想,提高分析化学实验规范性操作技能。端正了学生对实验操作技能的认识,在一定程度上提高了学生的实验操作技能。  关键词:分析化学 实验技能 激励  Shallow disscuss on the skill opera
Objective:To investigate the effectiveness of curcumin,a natural polyphenoiic compound with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities,on the frequency of sym
经济学专家、北京大学教授萧灼基认为 ,我国加入世界贸易组织后 ,既有机遇也有挑战 ,但首先面临的是挑战。首先是面临综合国力和国际竞争力的挑战。虽然中国国内生产总值已居