
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aykp0512
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We report a 13- year-old girl who presented with hepatic failure and hemolytic anemia. Laboratory findings showed a normal serum copper level (104μ g/dl), high urinary copper level (2370μ g/dl), and low serum ceruloplasmin level (14.3μ g/dl). Slit-lamp examination revealed Kays-er-Fleischer rings on her cornea, and she was diagnosed with Wilson’s disease. Plasma exchange and continuous hemodiafiltration relieved the serious condition, after that laparoscopic examination was performed. Administration of D-penicillamine and restriction of dietary copper (< 1mg/day)were started, leading to a normalized serum alanine amino transferase (ALT) level. After 3 years, she again underwent laparoscopic examination, and the laparoscopic and histological findings of her liver were obviously improved. Management of the copper level can reverse severe liver fibrosis in Wilson’s disease. We report a 13-year-old girl who presented with hepatic failure and hemolytic anemia. Laboratory findings showed a normal serum copper level (104 μg / dl), high urinary copper level (2370 μg / dl), and low serum ceruloplasmin level 14.3 μg / dl). Slit-lamp examination revealed Kays-er-Fleischer rings on her cornea, and she was diagnosed with Wilson’s disease. Plasma exchange and continuous hemodiafiltration relieved the serious condition, after that laparoscopic examination was performed. Administration of D -penicillamine and restriction of dietary copper (<1 mg / day) were started, leading to a normalized serum alanine amino transferase (ALT) level. After 3 years, she again underwent laparoscopic examination, and the laparoscopic and histological findings of her liver were improved. Management of the copper level can reverse severe liver fibrosis in Wilson’s disease.
岗位技能比武一直是北京四清集团工会工作的重头戏。该集团把推进技能比武作为实施职工素质教育工程的切入点,提出了六个结合。以六个结合推进技能比武,取得了良好效果。 Co
目的和方法 :通过对 1998~ 1999年的 45 1例咪唑定、异丙酚联合镇静后胃镜检查患者的临床资料进行回顾性调查 ,对这种新的胃镜检查方法进行综合性的评价。结果 :镜检成功率 10
老师拿着一个玻璃缸,里面有一只可爱的小乌龟。瞧,它眯着眼睛,一副没有睡醒的样子。有同学提议,把小乌龟放在窗台上晒一晒太阳。过了一会,小乌龟慢慢地把头伸了出来,绿豆一样的小眼睛滴溜溜地转着。它伸出四肢,不停地游着,好像在查看周围有没有危险。  小乌龟苏醒了。老师把它放进了一个盛有冷水的盒子里。小乌龟用脚爪使劲地拨水,好像一位游泳健将。  不一会,小乌龟游到了水底,嘴巴微微地张着,好像在说:“ 我好困
亲爱的爸爸,我非常想念你!我想知道你在广州过得好吗?身体健康吗?  睡梦中,我经常把妈妈或爷爷叫成了爸爸。有时,我把人家的汽车当成了你的汽车,以为你从广州回来了。那一刻,我好激动啊!  爸爸,你在广州打工辛苦吗?记得用QQ对话时,你说感冒了,还发了高烧。我很担心你的身体。请你以后多穿一些衣服,别再感冒了!  你知道吗?一根烟里的有害物质可以毒死一只小白鼠,两根烟里的尼古丁能毒死一头大水牛。你吸烟时
胃镜检查较为普遍。由于操作粗暴及患者精神紧张等因素致并发症仍时有发生 ,且有些并发症是致命的。作者结合文献资料就并发症发生原因及其对策简述如下。1 咽部损伤为最常
自信的微笑——绽放如百合  “我宣布,初中部首届才艺大赛,现在开始!”随着主持人的一声高呼,首届才艺大赛拉开了帷幕。你淡定地站在台下一侧,只是轻声地诵读着,没有一丝焦急。  终于,轮到你上场了,我紧张地望向你,你却从容不迫地笑了,那是一抹自信的微笑,如同初绽的百合那般纯洁,震撼了所有选手。你开始朗诵了。你和刘莘格的搭配是那么完美,一举击败了前面好几位选手。自始至终,你都自信地笑着——不是张扬,而是