Blood Lead Dynamics of Lead-Exposed Pregnant Women and Its Effects on Fetus Development

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The dynamics of blood lead (Pb-B) and blood zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP-B) of women in early pregnancy and parturient women with lead exposure and the effects on fetus development were investigated. Pb-B of lead-exposed women was high: 0.984 μmol/L (20.38 μg/dl) and ZPP was 84.52μg/dl. Cord blood Pb-B was 0.896 μmol/L(18.56μg/dl)and cord blood ZPP was 69.24μg/dl. In the control group, Pb-B was 0.261μmol/L(5.41μg/dl), ZPP-B, 37.59 μg/dl, cord blood, Pb-B 0.34 μmol/L (7.93 μg/dl), and cord ZPP-B 49.0μg/dl. There was a significant correlation between blood lead and blood ZPP, maternal Pb-B and cord Pb-B, maternal Pb-B and cord ZPP-B. The significance of the consistency of high level Pb-B and the effects on fetus development is discussed. The dynamics of blood lead (Pb-B) and blood zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP-B) of women in early pregnancy and parturient women with lead exposure and the effects on fetus development were investigated. Pb-B of lead-exposed women was high: 0.984 μmol / L (20.38 μg / dl) and ZPP was 84.52 μg / dl. Cord blood Pb-B was 0.896 μmol / L (18.56 μg / dl) and cord blood ZPP was 69.24 μg / -B was 0.261 μmol / L (5.41 μg / dl), ZPP-B 37.59 μg / dl cord blood, Pb-B 0.34 μmol / L (7.93 μg / dl) and cord ZPP-B 49.0 μg / dl. There was a significant correlation between blood lead and blood ZPP, maternal Pb-B and cord Pb-B, maternal Pb-B and cord ZPP-B. The significance of the consistency of high level Pb-B and the effects on fetus development is discussed.
据《美国医学论坛报》1995年12月21日载Reinisch等在JAMA(1995,274:1518)报告称,孕妇接受苯巴比妥治疗可能对胎儿中枢神经系统的发育有不利影响。 Reinithch et al. Report
据《中华妇产科杂志》1996年1月31卷第1期报道 北京安贞医院妇产科王以新等,为探讨心脏手术后产妇适宜的分娩方式及抗凝剂的应用等问题, 对该院1988~1994年同13例心脏手术后
据《中华妇产科杂志》1996年11月51卷第11期报道 为观察青心酮对妊高征患者胎盘血管内皮细胞和平滑肌细胞内一氧化氮合成酶活性及血浆内皮素水平的影响,同济医科大学附属同
主要完成单位 兰州机车工厂、西南交通大学 N1004型全液压伸缩臂铁路起重机在机车车辆、线路出现事故时,除具备定长臂式铁路起重机的 Major completion units Lanzhou loco